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Posted by Miriam on 2005-08-15 04:31:13 +0000

Movin' On Up...okay, Down South

Today was insane. After driving for three days from Boston to Nashville, I had an 8:40am meeting for my new job. I had to plan a meeting that started at 10am with the new parents of the new kids in the program I'm directing. Ugh. From there, dealt with the cleaning lady who finally showed up to suss up my new place (which had been empty for four months and had become the new home for all things insect in West Nashville), got a new phone at the Verizon shop (615-306-0774...for those of you interested in staying in touch), hit Target for cleaning essentials (so I feel confident taking a bath), grocery shopping with my sis, off to my bro's to haul over a large bookcase to my pad, back to his for dinner and to help his wife put their adorable little girl (Shayna) to bed, then hauled over their old entertainment center (which matches the bookcase). Bro went home, I dropped off my sis' monster truck (okay, it's an SUV), picked up my junk-heap, and unloaded most of my crap at my place.

Tomorrow is all about unpacking and re-cleaning the bathroom. And getting professional-grade insecticide. Not cool with as many spiders have decided that my bedroom is really theirs.

By the way, figured out that the tree outside my bedroom window is a walnut. Going to harvest those suckers! Used to have a black walnut tree until I was 7 and we moved across town. Psyched to crack some tough nuts here in Nashville. Come on, someone had to say it; might as well've been me!

Posted by Miriam on 2005-08-16 03:52:41 +0000
Spent 2 hours at a doc's office with my grandma today to hear what she's already heard a bunch of times from different docs: you can live with the pain, have more cortisone shots or have surgery to remove the things causing you pain. She chooses to live with it.

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