wood furniture bugs
So, I found a TON of small, round bug casings in the crevices in my new/antique wood, enamel-topped kitchen table. I cleaned them all out with a q-tip and vaccuum cleaner, and none seemed to be alive, but does anyone have any experience with these things? Should I fumigate my table?
Well, it's wonderful only if it doesn't kill you as well!
<i>--Feminazi </i>
There is also a mouse. I found a dropping, the neighbors had the peanut butter chips eaten off cookies they made the other night. The property managers will only throw poison under the house. My dad is looking into their legal obligations for pest/rodent control.
I sweep or vaccuum every night now. Luckily my stuff won't arrive until Sunday or Monday, so there's lots of space to spy any and all uninvited creatures.