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Posted by G lib on 2005-08-23 23:03:28 +0000

East Boston, Recycling, and the Bottle Bill

Boston proper has curbside, weekly recycling, bins that can be automatically delivered to you when you call the special number, and recycle a lot of items.

Yesterday was trash day in our neighborhood, one of the nicest in the area. However, only about 5% of the people on our historic hillside recycle. I thought a lot about the RS.N conversation about the bottle bill, recycling, etc., etc., and talked with Beckybunny and PChippy last night about my thoughts. Here's what we came up with:

Why don't people recycle in East Boston?

1. They don't know that they can, or how to do it.
2. It's not something that they did in their home country/it's a newfangled idea that they never had in Eastie--we don't go for that yuppie bullshit.
3. They are too busy scraping by to look up and notice the damage to the Earth-- we would, too, if we worked 90 hours a week and tried to raise a family at the same time.
4. Calling to ask for a recycling bin would alert INS to the fact that they're illegal.

What could we do, or the government do to make people recycle?

Scenario 1:

1. Send everyone a bin with a multiple-language brochure that describes how to recycle. Pretend that it's compulsory.
2. Then, send someone to their house who describes it to them in their language.

Scenario 2:

1. Make MOST THINGS redeemable-- water bottles, cardboard, etc. (you laugh, but newspaper, cans, pretty much everything was redeemable up until around 1975.)
2. Raise the amount of the redeemable rate enough so that even yuppie scum bring their crap back. [Chippy and I usually leave our crap out for the people who collect redeemables. However, my mother remembers that when redeemables were 10 cents, you could get an icecream for 10 cents. THAT is incentive. We just don't have the time to bring our stuff back.]

Scenario 3:

The German way

1. Bottles are very thick, and RE-USED, rather than smashed and recycled. You pay 2 Euros for a coke, drink it, and bring back the bottle and get 1 Euro.
2. And they recycle everything, even the plastic wrapper around their twinkie.


Posted by Miriam on 2005-08-23 23:01:20 +0000
Does the Twinkie's lifespan last as long as the plastic's?

Posted by Miriam on 2005-08-23 23:01:50 +0000
To rephrase, which degrades first? The Twinkie or the wrapper?

Posted by tgl on 2005-08-24 03:15:00 +0000
Scenario 1: Probably costs way too much money for some of us to accept. I see the bottle bill getting more bottles recycled (at no cost to the staet) than an education program.

Scenario 2: I like it. Let's get back to Depression living. (Not that we might have to pretend we're in a depression in the future).

Scenario 3: Oh, how I wish there was more glass bottle soda pop available. You know it (used to be) more carbonated? "Current" bottling technologies can't take the pressure.

At some point, Scenario 3 will happen. Remember, the US is a product of Europe (mostly). America just happened to shelter the orneriest, stubbornest, independent minded people from Europe for a couple hundred years. It'll take a while for the "American way" to get back around to looking like the "European way"

Oil over $100 a barrel might speed that along. The market will dictate, as it usually does.

Let's keep our twinkies wrapped, it's safest for all.

Posted by Honar the librarian on 2005-08-24 13:47:13 +0000
With regard to #2 and the good ole days, when I was growing up one of my dad's favorite stories to tell was about picking up bottles from castle island at 2 cents each, when it cost 14 cents to see a matinee--seven bottles a movie. To go to a bargain matinee at Loews Boston Common I would need to redeem 145 bottles. Just sayin'.

Posted by tgl on 2005-08-24 14:15:51 +0000
Anytime you want to work on generating bottles and cans for a movie ticket, let me know.

Posted by Miriam on 2005-08-24 17:18:07 +0000
I used to redeem the cans and bottles from the Malbert parties and buy myself a super-sized fries and coke. :)

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