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Posted by Swope on 2005-08-24 20:28:50 +0000

On The Fence

Read this 1st and Then read Sharon Osbourne's response at the bottom....

BLABBERMOUTH.NET has received a number of e-mails regarding last night's (August 20) Ozzfest concert in Devore (near San Bernardino), California, which reportedly included an on-stage appearance following IRON MAIDEN's set by Sharon Osbourne during which she called MAIDEN vocalist Bruce Dickinson a "prick." The following report was submitted by David Priest, editor-in-chief of On Track Magazine:

"Last night's [August 20] headlining performance of IRON MAIDEN at Ozzfest in San Bernardino, CA rendered some interesting, if not disturbing, results. Although MAIDEN played one hell of a show, they were under attack from the moment they began their set. From the time they hit the stage, they suffered power loss on at least three occasions and they were continuously pelted with ice, bottle caps, and eggs, among other things. Vocalist Bruce Dickinson was even spit on by one attendee. He seemed to believe these occurrences were not by accident and insinuated that they had been planned from the beginning of the night. He also encouraged the other audience members to break the arm of anyone that they saw throwing things their way. Upon concluding their performance, the emcee for the evening began to chant Ozzy, Ozzy while Bruce was still speaking. Bruce retaliated by chanting MAIDEN. After he left the stage, Sharon Osbourne took over the mic and informed the crowd that they absolutely loved IRON MAIDEN and their crew and stated that they were all wonderful but that their singer Bruce Dickinson was a prick and had disrespected Ozzfest since they began their stint with the touring summer festival. This, of course, came as a shock to those of us in attendance and there was ample confusion and speculation from audience members there after. As previously announced, last night's show marked the final performance of IRON MAIDEN on this year's Ozzfest. VELVET REVOLVER will be taking over their slot on the last remaining dates."

Sharon Osbourne has issued the following statement via the official Ozzfest web site, Ozzfest.com:

"IRON MAIDEN were chosen for the Ozzfest tour because the Ozzfest committee felt they were a good band, plus the fact that they had not done shows in the U.S. for some time. From day one, Bruce Dickinson started berating Ozzy and belittling the Ozzfest audience. He stated he 'didn’t need a reality show to give him credibility'; 'We're not just some f*cking reunion band'; and continuously complained about the sound system, saying that when he comes back to America he'll have a better one. I understand he hasn't toured in the U.S.in these size venues in a while and no longer understands the political structure of things. Out of 200-plus bands over the last 10 years, he has been the only person who hasn't had the Ozzfest spirit. He thought he was at a battle of the bands, always making other comments about the other artists.

"Might I say, the rest of the band are gentlemen and have a great professional attitude. The crew are absolutely great. But how sad it was, after 10 years, that this little man tried to ruin it for everyone. The bands of Ozzfest don't even look at Ozzfest as touring, but as its heavy metal summer camp. Bruce is in fact a jealous prick and very envious. None of his tirades were directed at SABBATH, only Ozzy. Steve Harris [IRON MAIDEN's bassist] personally came to Ozzy in San Bernardino and apologized for Bruce's behavior this summer, stating that he and the rest of the band were 'embarrassed' by their own singer. It also offended me every night how he took out the English flag in America. There are American boys going to war alongside the English boys every day. How dare he forget the American troops on their home turf? He has had no respect for the American audience he has been playing for, stating in an interview, 'When you do the 'hits' tour here [in the U.S.], the audience is smug, and there's a sense of self-satisfaction, like, 'We got what we wanted…I'm looking at an audience that is self-satisfied and happy and fat, and getting what it wants and isn't prepared to get off its ass..'

I think Dickenson acted out of line.....
They didn't have to agree to do Oz Fest, they could have headlined their own tour....

Posted by frame609 on 2005-08-25 04:45:47 +0000
When the kids spit on you, it means they LIKE you.

Posted by rladew on 2005-08-25 13:20:30 +0000
look at all the spit D. Boon and Mike Watt had to dodge back in the Minutemen days....

Posted by Swope on 2005-08-25 14:07:12 +0000
After some more time with it, I don't think that the Osbourne camp should have rallied the fans the way they did. Dickinson is certainly an ingrate, but in reality, the Ozzy folks were causing the fans to see & hear a sub=par show....I guess I think it should have been handled backstage.

"I'm not gonna rock the boat, rockin' the boat's a drag. What you gotta do is Sink the boat!" - Brother Putney

Posted by mr. mister on 2005-08-25 16:18:17 +0000
Run for the hills Bruce! As long as Eddy is running around the stage Sharon should watch her step.

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