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throwing shoes since '04
Posted by pchippy on 2005-08-25 22:35:35 +0000

the Plan (you know who you are)

The night of Saturday, September 17th.

Make sure your headlamp works and you have at least one set of fresh batteries.

Not that we're going to use them. Moonlight was good enough for the Cro-Magnon, it's good enough for us.

TGL: bring your camera, for an ultra-long-exposure summit portrait.

Posted by pchippy on 2005-08-26 20:30:37 +0000
Some possibilities, each with its pros and cons:

1. Mt. Adams via the Air Line. PROS: Second-highest mountain in the Northeast, and one of the most beautiful. Also, one of the earth's sacred power points, according to the Aetherian Society. The upper stretches of the trail follow open ridgeline, which is good for moonlight walking. CONS: lower down, trail is narrow, in thick woods, with lots of intersections, possibly making navigation tricky.

2. Mt. Jefferson via the Ridge of the Caps. PROS: Third-highest mountain in the northeast, and satisfyingly pointy. Highest trailhead in New Hampshire makes for quick ascent to treeline, so the majority of the trip would be out of the woods. Interesting terrain going over the Caps. CONS: On west side of Presidentials, so less moonlight early in night--but more moonlight later.

3. Huntington Ravine via the Huntington Ravine Trail. PROS: Very exciting terrain, and the possibility of ascending to the summit of Mt. Washington if there are those among us who wish to do so. Plenty of possible loops for descent, including Lion's Head and Tuckerman Ravine. Shorter drive to get there. CONS: Proximity of summit buildings, lights, generator noise might disrupt wilderness experience somewhat. First portion of ascent would be on Tuckerman Ravine Trail, which, although wide and thus well-lit by moonlight, is unpleasantly eroded and rocky.

Posted by pchippy on 2005-09-13 16:28:49 +0000
OK. Honor wants to do the hike with the most accessible trailhead, so it looks like it's Huntington's.

Weather looks good so far--rain Thursday and maybe Friday, but mostly sunny Saturday and Sunday. My best guess: mostly clear on Saturday night, with temperatures in the 50s at Pinkham Notch and in the 40s higher up on the mountain.

Bring warm clothes.

Posted by Honar the librarian on 2005-09-13 19:52:16 +0000
I do? I don't remember saying that. I'm all for pchippy and the executive decision.

Posted by dawnbixtler on 2005-09-14 17:56:31 +0000
If possible I would try for the peaks further North, selections 1 or 2. As I am not attending due to a friend's nuptials, my vote means much less than those going on the trek.

However, I find that Adams and Jefferson both provide a more scenic hike, particularily Adams. There just seems to be more nature, and less evidence of people. (Isn't there a possible trial loop on Adams with the Randolph Path, Kings Ravine, Short Line or combination of two? I do not have a map on front of me.) Ridge of the Caps up Jefferson is a wonderful hike, but there really is no threat of a loop. (I've done the Link and Castellated Ridge loop once. Will not be doing it again soon, especially with dogs.) I have also been up/down Tuckerman scores of times so I my be biased against it.

Have fun. I'm jealous.

Posted by Honar the librarian on 2005-09-15 18:30:15 +0000
<a href=http://www.weatherunderground.com/cgi-bin/findweather/getForecast?hourly=1&query=03589&yday=259&weekday=Saturday>Wunderground</a> is pretty unpromising regarding forecast.

I say rain + 44 deg = no fun.

Sorry, pchippy.

Maybe it will get better?

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