Apples and oranges
Jon Stewart to Christopher Hitchens, on his conflating Abu Nidal's hijacking of the Achille Lauro with the terrorist activity of today:
"That's old school terrorism, and you know it."
It didn't get any applause, but I think it was one of the best lines of the interview.
I'd agree that Al Qaeda and the IRA repesent a different type of terrorism each (as Tony Blair has emphasised), but it's a hard point to argue in this day in age. Especially when saying something like, "Maybe the President didn't fully think through this Iraq thing", gets you branded as a traitor.
Still though, who's old skool?! Funny.
Just so I know what C.DuBrocker (?) is talking <a href="">about</a>.
C. DuBrocker...I like that.
I guess (US-centric) old skool terrism would be incidents in which the US was tangentially, indirectly, or not at all involved, and in which harm to Americans would be random and perhaps minimal? Or maybe it's just the airplane or boat hijacking angle.