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it devolves into boys talking about sports and hardcore
Posted by Miriam on 2005-08-29 16:44:57 +0000


My stuff arrived yesterday. They told me they'd be there around noon.

They called at 12:45 to say they were in Knoxville and would be arriving around 4pm.

They called at 6-ish to say they'd be there soon.

My niece was over to "help." It was very cute. I gave her all the boxes of books that needed to get moved to the back bedroom. When the movers saw that, they finally started to move them themselves into the rooms I'd labelled the boxes for.

They tried to tell me that they had unloaded everything. It was clear to me, and on the list, that they still had my biggest painting to bring into the house. It's hard to miss at 5'x3', but apparently they'd put it on top of someone else's boxes.

So far I haven't found anything broken, which is great.

First boxes to unpack: TV, toy chest, night stand, desk, cookbooks.

I only seem to get NBC without cable, so I'm calling for it today. Three weeks without TV have only made me appreciate it more!

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