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tome cusp
Posted by frame609 on 2005-09-02 20:17:45 +0000


Is the standings page going to change seasonally?

Posted by rladew on 2005-09-02 20:21:09 +0000
what did you ass masters have in mind?


Posted by frame609 on 2005-09-02 20:21:36 +0000
Ass masters?

Posted by rladew on 2005-09-02 20:22:44 +0000
did you like that? It just sort of came out and I didnt feel like deleting it...

Posted by tgl on 2005-09-02 20:32:33 +0000
I don't think you understand.

Posted by tgl on 2005-09-02 20:34:41 +0000
I could work it up for a different sport. Only really makes sense in baseball though, maybe basketball. Actually, virtually every NBA and NHL team make it to the playoffs, so, what's the bother?

How many games do they play in the NFL? Five?

Posted by frame609 on 2005-09-02 20:38:32 +0000
Caught the Scissorfight Fagen- nice!

Ima get me some cheap Bruins tix when they go on sale next Saturday- $10 balcony seats sound AOK.

Posted by Honar the librarian on 2005-09-03 11:21:57 +0000
next saturday today saturday or 1 week from today?

I'm down for a hockey game.

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