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throwing shoes since '04
Posted by Travis on 2005-09-06 14:20:05 +0000

the weather down south

I have been in Poland for the last week and didnt see any news... first real info I got was watching CNN briefly at Schiphol waiting for a connection

fucking hell

anyone got a link for a good detailed overview article? I watched the news last night and have read what i could find today but they all assume I have knowledge of what went on before

peoples family/friends ok?

Posted by pamsterdam on 2005-09-06 15:01:27 +0000
You were at Schiphol and didn't call me? Pfffft.

From what I've gleaned via Rideside, people are ok, although frame609 has a relocated friend awaiting clean-up. Oh, and the Jandek show was cancelled.

How was Poland?

Posted by tgl on 2005-09-06 15:04:04 +0000
Let me check: I'm white and middle-class... the Federal Gov't works for me!

I've been enjoying <a href="http://slate.msn.com/id/2125448/">Slate's</a> coverage. The various weblog links scatter around the message board aren't bad, either.

Posted by Travis on 2005-09-06 15:50:40 +0000
i was in schiphol for 1 hour - enough time for a quick heineken and to dream of the Damkring, so near and yet so far - bit annoying really

Poland was great fun but changing - i first went 3 years ago pre-EU the airport had 3 gates and 1 small duty free kiosk - now the original terminal is a small ugly egg nestled within the scaffolding of the 2 new terminals being built, there are 5 duty free shops and in town there are traffic jams, big department stores, shiny glass buildings... its weird watching a country change before your eyes

Posted by pamsterdam on 2005-09-06 16:24:12 +0000
So, very much a part of growing Europe, then? I'm told that there is an ever-widening split (no Croatian-city-name pun intended) between EU eastern europe and not-yet EU eastern europe. I need to get my arse back to Budapest - I was last there in 2001, and I'm sure it's now much less... unaccommodating(?) than it was when I was there.

Have you ever been to Romania, by the way?

(I was just teasing about not ringing me - but if you have time for a quick witbier next time you're at the airport...)

Posted by Miriam on 2005-09-07 20:44:47 +0000
There are a few families relocating to Nashville. Looks like Memphis getting lots. There are truckloads of donated items leaving Nashville every day.

Posted by tgl on 2005-09-12 19:24:52 +0000
Sorry to take so long, Travis, but here's <a href="http://www.thinkprogress.org/katrina-timeline">a timeline</a>.

Think Progress isn't exactly bi-partisan, but none of the entries are actually false. I don't think the addition of Rice's or Rumsfeld's whereabouts are particularly noteworthy, they give the timeline a bit of a vindictive slant that it doesn't need.

Money Mike Brown quote of the day (well, third day after hurrican landfall): “I must say, this storm is much much bigger than anyone expected.” [CNN]

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