G137: Red Sox 3, Angels 2
Met up with Ned and BQ around 6:20pm at Copperfield's. Ned had been comped some SRO tickets through a distributer.
We approached the Park, Ned sold the extra ticket, and bought bags of peanuts (Ned is always salted, I'm unsalted at the moment). We spent about 20 minutes roaming the right field concourses. Evidently, you need a special SRO ticket to stand by the grill way out in right field. No standing behind the roof seats as well. Or in the hallway of the suites. We found a niche along the concourse almost directly behind homeplate. Ned went for a spell to the stand behind the Monster Seats with a friend who had connections. From now on I will refer to the wall in left field as, "The Green Mountain".
BQ and I whiled away a pleasant evening, eventually grabbing some seats in the last row of the left field grandstands, more or less behind home plate. We saw John Olerud make two great stops, and Bill Mueller had one too. That pickle in the ninth was out of sight. Great baseball.
I witnessed my third ninth inning, game winning home run for the Red Sox of the season.
Second Hot Dog at Spike's was a mistake...
Those BU kids didn't use the correct condiments?