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Posted by pamsterdam on 2005-09-08 07:06:29 +0000

Hey, Travis - wanna talk footie?

Or anyone?



Anyone catch the Northern Ireland v. England World Cup qualifier last night?




What about the Ashes?

Cricket, anyone?



I'll just go back to mumbling to myself, then.

Posted by frame609 on 2005-09-08 07:14:15 +0000
The U.S. beat Mexico the other day.

There is talk around the campfire of going to Germany for the World Cup next year.

Posted by pamsterdam on 2005-09-08 07:17:57 +0000
That would be so awesome!!! Ed & I plan to drive over for the games, since Germany's right next door, but maybe some camping is in order, hm? Woo-hoo! We entered the lottery to get "follow your team" tickets, but didn't get any. We're trying to work our connection at Adidas (Ed plays with one of their PR guys on Sundays). I'm really happy about the US beating Mexico - I have high hopes for us as time goes on - we're only improving, aren't we? I have to admit, while I went to the Euro Cup last year, and cheered along with Ed for the English team, I'd get a lot more excited if it was the US out there.

Posted by pamsterdam on 2005-09-08 07:23:25 +0000
And England, by the way, are playing absolute ASS out there. The BBC commentator (ex-player) I'm crushing on at the moment (Ian Wright) was so angry he could barely speak. But you know, good for the Northern Irish. It was their first win against England since 1927. Those guys were going apeshit. Singing and dancing and chanting in the stadium, the players doing loops around the pitch, lapping up all the adulation - it was great.

Posted by Travis on 2005-09-08 13:19:08 +0000
that game was amazing!! I was rooting for the nurrniresh from the first whistle - they played like blokes who had something to prove - england paid like a bunch of overpaid bitches who had no idea what they were doing - i reckon Sven will be sacked after the next game

the fans were amazing as well - never seen such support at an international, normally the tickets go to boring rich people but they seemed like proper shirt off - grass roots support

as for the cricket - we have it on in the office. my boss is going away this afternoon and just gave me a 100 quid to take out our new trainee to the pub tomorrow and watch it all afternoon.... which is nice
i think england will snatch defeat from the jaws of victory once again and Warne will destroy us once the pitch gets some spin on it

Posted by Travis on 2005-09-08 13:23:42 +0000
and as for Wayne "Shrek" Rooney's little display... I think he should go play rugby for a week or two, he certainly has the neck and face for it and I bet he would be taught some manners fairly quickly

Posted by pamsterdam on 2005-09-08 14:09:44 +0000
Yes, the English team did play like a bunch of bitches. I have to admit - I miss Calamity James. And where was Sol?

Sven is useless, I've never liked David "I'm a big girl's blouse" Beckham, and Rooney makes Shaun Ryder look like a beauty queen.

Did you buy any of that "player pressure" stuff?

I really liked the Northern Irish supporters. And their keeper was damn good, too. But it wasn't an exciting game. It was... flaccid.

Do you really think you're keeping the ashes this time 'round? Chance would be a fine thing... No offence, love, but your peeps are much better at inventing a game and teaching it to your colonies than you are at actually playing said game...

Posted by Travis on 2005-09-08 14:41:24 +0000
read my cricket post again.... slowly... ;-)

Posted by pamsterdam on 2005-09-08 14:42:54 +0000
Sorry, that'll teach me to try & work and rideside and the same time...

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