Whoa! I just realized...
He is completely <a href="http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2005/09/20050912.html">incompetent</a>.
Please, read the whole thing. Every politician prevaricates and tries to avoid answers to direct questions. But, thousands of willing evacuees stranded for days? In America? Doesn't that indicate something must be wrong?
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Brown _resigned_! You don't know the head of FEMA resigned? No shit you were surprised that the Hurricane was a strong Cat. 4 when it hit New Orleans. Everyone in the Army CoE and NOAA knew a hurricane of Cat. 3 could do serious damage to the levee system. Everyone except a former Bush campaign manager's former college roommate. (Brown was never confirmed by the Senate as Director of FEMA because he was promoted from Deputy Director. Apparently, 5 senators should up at that his confirmation hearing for Deputy).
Hey, I wanted to give the benefit of the doubt. 51% of the people that voted couldn't be wrong. But, alas, it seems they were. I've given up on being let down by the Bush policies that are hopelessly wrong-headed. I am completely exasperated that this man-child and the cronies he's placed in positions of power are so completely incompetent. Whatever happened to personal responsibility?
I've been thinking about db's <a href="http://localhost/drupal/altserver/node/714#comment-12724">post</a>. It reminds me about new <a href="http://www.boston.com/business/articles/2005/07/24/hospitals_study_when_to_apologize_to_patients/">policies </a> of openness that hospitals are putting in place. They are recommending that doctors apologize for failures up front, instead of trying to gloss over or hide them. It's actually cut down on malpractice suits.
It's not scientifical, but I did a google search for "<a href="http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=dodged%20a%20bullet&btnG=Google+Search">dodged a bullet</a>", it seems no one was reporting that NO dodged a bullet until Chertoff used that as an excuse in his "Meet the Press" appearance.
BTW, my 'gansett is just... about... kicked.
--Sounds like it!
"5 should up" --> "5 showed up"
Brown was confirmed to Deputy Director when Democrats controlled the Senate. Not that the confirmation process in the Senate has any semblance to actually qualifying candidates.
All bums out now!
" Katrina exposed serious problems in our response capability at all levels of government. And to the extent that the federal government didn't fully do its job right, I take responsibility. I want to know what went right and what went wrong. " -- George W. Bush
(<a href="http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2005/09/20050913-5.html">source</a>)
Rumsfeld should be allowed to "spend more time with his family" as the parlance goes. Sounds like Bush has in the past refused to accept Rumsfeld's resignation.