Captive Audience
Has anyone else ever been to a mandatory meeting at work where they tell you that you have to give to charity? And they give you a specific charity to donate to? And tell you that they'd like to have close to 100% participation again this year? And that you can have it payroll deducted..."for those of you who are new and haven't done this before"?
First time today. At least they fed us breakfast. Bagels, cream cheese, Krispy Kreme, coffee, and tea.
I hope to come back with more stuff...
effective government
affordable healthcare
sensitive war
educational television
pretty ugly
friendly fire
jumbo shrimp
virtual reality
A good quote:
<i>Philip Jones, a spokesman for United Way of America, says his charity discourages coercion and does not want employers to seek 100% participation in the charity. Moreover, it encourages peer solicitation rather than manager solicitation of employees.</i>
Funk metal
low calorie beer
<i>What's cooler than cool? Ice cold!</i> --Andree 3K