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Posted by dawnbixtler on 2005-09-14 20:54:10 +0000

The Pledge of Allegiance

I'm not entirely behind <a href="http://today.reuters.com/news/newsArticle.aspx?type=domesticNews&storyID=2005-09-14T200859Z_01_YUE472449_RTRIDST_0_USREPORT-RIGHTS-PLEDGE-DC.XML&archived=False">this decision,</a> but it's about time we got rid of "under God" in the pledge, a tid-bit added to the pledge in the 50's I believe. This Michael Newdow seems like a bit of a crusader, but his intentions are in the right place.

Seperation between church and state still seems like a good idea to me. Thoughts?

Posted by Miriam on 2005-09-14 21:01:41 +0000
When I was in school in TN, it seemed like every year there was a new law that said whether or not we should say the pledge, have a pray, or a moment of silence or nothing each day. Every year it changed, and every year I'd put up a stink if it was something that melded church and state.

Posted by dawnbixtler on 2005-09-14 21:09:21 +0000
In 5th grade we didn't say "under God" and it was some new thing to last forever, but then in 6th grade we did...

Posted by pchippy on 2005-09-15 16:28:33 +0000
I'm both a flag-flying patriot (literally) and a Christian, and I can't stand the pledge, with or without the reference to God. I've resented it ever since I was in elementary school. In third grade, I mouthed the words rather than spoke them. Then I got in trouble for that. In fourth grade, I figured out that I could pledge allegiance to something else instead, as long as it was something that didn't sound too much unlike "The United States of America." I settled on "the Confederation of Helvetia," because A.) it was a name of about the same length, B.) it had approximately the same rhythm and wouldn't stand out, and C.) I felt a lot of enthusiasm for Switzerland's policy of not starting wars. (I think I may also have read about William Tell and how he got in trouble with the Austrian authorities for refusing to salute their symbol of power--a hat on a pole.)

I love America. I dislike coercion of any kind, though, and I especially dislike any coercive ritual in which people are either bullied or suckered into expressing sentiments that they may not in fact feel. It sickens me that kids are FORCED to pledge loyalty to the state in words that proclaim America's special belief in LIBERTY.

Posted by tendiamonds on 2005-09-15 16:29:26 +0000
"It's called separation of church and state, motherfucker!"

Posted by tendiamonds on 2005-09-15 16:30:53 +0000
Hear! Hear!

Posted by rladew on 2005-09-15 16:56:39 +0000
no complaints here, well said <a href="http://mapage.noos.fr/realbook/RB/Mr_pc.jpg">Mr. PC!</a>

Posted by tgl on 2005-09-15 17:26:35 +0000
My reply on this post was to be along the same lines, but not nearly as eloquent. Thanks, pchippy.

(pchippy of the <a href="/gang">31 posts</a>, rapidly rising)

Posted by G lib on 2005-09-15 17:59:30 +0000
Right on, Chippy!
<i>What's cooler than cool? Ice cold!</i> --Andree 3K

Posted by Miriam on 2005-09-15 20:19:01 +0000
Wow. I'm super impressed that you knew all that stuff in 4th grade. That was the age I was completely obsessed with the Holocaust and pretty much ignored all other learning.

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