The Pledge of Allegiance
I'm not entirely behind <a href="">this decision,</a> but it's about time we got rid of "under God" in the pledge, a tid-bit added to the pledge in the 50's I believe. This Michael Newdow seems like a bit of a crusader, but his intentions are in the right place.
Seperation between church and state still seems like a good idea to me. Thoughts?
I love America. I dislike coercion of any kind, though, and I especially dislike any coercive ritual in which people are either bullied or suckered into expressing sentiments that they may not in fact feel. It sickens me that kids are FORCED to pledge loyalty to the state in words that proclaim America's special belief in LIBERTY.
(pchippy of the <a href="/gang">31 posts</a>, rapidly rising)
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