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i ride sideways
Posted by rladew on 2005-09-15 13:46:15 +0000

Potty break?

Weird. Bush asking Rice to go to the b-room during UN meetings...

<img src="http://us.news3.yimg.com/us.i2.yimg.com/p/rids/20050914/i/r2587077477.jpg?x=380&y=217&sig=Hh355TcloLG7aLsST74eYA--">

Posted by pamsterdam on 2005-09-15 14:01:06 +0000
Not so weird. Having been in "big, important" meetings myself (as minutes-taker, natch), I can completely understand that sense of... "I probably shouldn't just get up & leave now, but if I don't there's gonna be some wee-wee on the boardroom floor, yo."

Posted by rladew on 2005-09-15 14:18:36 +0000
well, I mean even the "worst bastard in the world" should be able to take a squirt here and there. Just thought it was a funny news item when I saw it on Drudge this am...

Posted by pamsterdam on 2005-09-15 15:13:14 +0000
I'm sorry, Rich. Stupid Killjoy genes...

<i>pamsterdam buries her head in her hands</i>

Posted by pamsterdam on 2005-09-15 15:15:51 +0000
My <a href="http://linkit.amysrobot.com/beta/index.php?linkid=8199">other friends</a> also thought it was hilarious.

<i>pamsterdam knashes her teeth, rends her hair...</i>

Posted by Miriam on 2005-09-15 20:47:12 +0000
I get up to pee during meetings ALL the time. Never had to write someone a note to tell them I was going. Or had to go.

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