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throwing shoes since '04
Posted by bizquig3000 on 2004-02-26 18:22:12 +0000


Mike picked it up. Production quality is better than the first DVD. Overall the recap seems relatively hum-drum for a season of 15 wins in a row. They blow by the first Colts game, Broncos game wasn't detailed enough. Hell, one of the best of the season was against the Texans and that one seems like an afterthought.

Having said that: the bonus feature of the entire Superbowl is worth admission price alone. It was a good game; but I still hafta give the nod to XXXVI as the better Superbowl.

Thanks for picking it up Mike. We'll hafta throw that Superbowl party now. I got the entire Rams game on DVD too.

Posted by on 2004-02-28 01:33:45 +0000
questions from a sports moron:
1. is this superbowl DVD from the superbowl that just happened this past February?

2. does it have the half-time show on there too? i missed the nip. i was in the movies.

Posted by on 2004-02-28 08:51:22 +0000
The Super Bowl that just happened, Upma. Boston = big sports town.

I missed the nip and I was sitting in front of the TV. Stupid beer.

Posted by on 2004-02-28 14:00:22 +0000
ohh yeah... cuz it was the patriots. is that what patsies means?
ok now... the partriots are the New England Ptriots, yes? but... is Boston their home city? or.... i don't get it. everyother team is from a city, yes? but the patriots are from New England. why can they claim a whole region when everyone else can claim only a city?

Posted by on 2004-08-22 10:34:45 +0000
Oh! Snap!

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