Dave Douglas's 'Keystone' @ Regattabar
D. Douglas's new band (paying tribute to <a href="http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000779/bio">Fatty Arbuckle</a> of Keystone cops fame)
is @ the <a href="http://www.getshowtix.com/regattabar/moreinfo.cgi?id=569">Regattabar</a> Fri Oct 21 and Sat Oct 22nd.
Tix are $21 USD I believe, anyone interested?
<img src="http://www.getshowtix.com/regattabar/inc/schedule/bio/567.jpg">
Here's what they think about you:
<img src="http://www.fortunecity.com/tinpan/mingus/445/cube.gif">
Ill have a jolly ol time anyway
Thanks for giving me access to elite jazz knowledge.
Another great thing about the night was the warm sound of the fender rhodes electric piano (or was the warmth from all the beer I had w/ Bizquig? hmmm)
At any rate, DD is worth the snooty regattabar bux.
As far as 'elite jazz knowledge', Naked City once adeptly summed up this condition in their seminal piece "Jazz Snob Eat Shit"
Music is music, Jazzbos that feign superiority of their beloved genre irk me to no end.