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it devolves into boys talking about sports and hardcore
Posted by tgl on 2005-09-28 03:14:22 +0000

One more time, with emphasis.

<img src="http://graphics8.nytimes.com/images/2005/09/27/national/27cnd-brown.2.184.jpg">
<img src="http://media.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/images/I22094-2005Apr02">

No <em>pointing</em>!

Posted by rladew on 2005-09-28 12:52:48 +0000
(said as truthfully and without sarcasm as possible)I've got to give credit where credit is due, tgl. That's a funny pictorial.

Posted by tgl on 2005-09-28 13:31:51 +0000
I appreciate your heartfelt response. (truthfully, unsarcastically, etc., etc.)

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