While we're on the DVD subject, remember VHS vs. Beta? DVD Audio vs. SACD? It's happening <a href="http://money.cnn.com/2005/09/27/technology/microsoft_intel.reut/index.htm?section=money_latest">again...</a>
the new blu-ray disc technology hold something like 8 gigs (!) on a single disc. Up til now the mom and pop DVD hasnt had enough oomph/memory to record in HD, but that seems to be quickly changing.
Best wishes to SONY in fighting Bill Gates. I don't get it. After the miserable failure of so many formats I think we need a little Rodney King: cant We all agree and get along?
Posted by frame609 on 2005-09-28 17:04:42 +0000
If I had to guess, I'd say six DVD box set in time for Christmas.
Posted by rladew on 2005-09-28 17:18:00 +0000
That vast sucking sound you hear is Lucas turning on his dyson so he can extract the contents of all of his followers wallets (me included unfortunately...sigh)
Posted by dawnbixtler on 2005-09-28 18:08:54 +0000
Hey at least it's still indie, albeit a hundred's of millions of $ indie.
Posted by rladew on 2005-09-28 18:15:32 +0000
Thats the really punk rock thing about it all is that he calls all the shots. He took a risk, did it on his terms and he got the reward (as anyone with a pulse would notice he also gets all that fun criticism of the new prequels as well - but Im sure its easy to ignore when youre either immersed in projects / being a dad / getting all that $$$ in the bank :)
Posted by dawnbixtler on 2005-09-28 18:54:49 +0000
Funny, whenever I hear Dagobah, I think of the lower half of the out of bounds area of <a href="http://www.stowe.com/mountain/trailmap.php">Stowe Mountain</a>
After you launch the trail map, notice the high peak in the upper right hand corner, Mount Mansfield. About half way down, where the trees turn green again, and the clouds are pictured, is Dagobah (as named by the Burton guys). Awesome glades... goodtimes.
Posted by rladew on 2005-10-03 15:56:50 +0000
Some "SITH" DVD Deleted Scenes screen prints from <a href="http://www.aintitcool.com/display.cgi?id=21422">Ain't It Cool News</a>:
Im seriously starting to think that elmo is satan (tm). Jackie and I received one of those electronic books that has the pictures you touch for corresponding sounds. "Elmo goes potty" or something to that extent...
Truly a creepy, irksome voice. La La La La, La La La La, Elmo's world indeed. STF Up, you red johnny-come-lately muppet. (do any of our lovely RSN fact checkers know if Henson was even alive when Elmo came down the pike? Lets hope the USPS didnt make a stamp out of this lesser muppet)
Posted by tendiamonds on 2005-10-05 14:15:27 +0000
According to <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sesame_Street">Wikipedia</a> Elmo was created in Henson's time, most likely by Henson himself. However Elmo's rise is directly due to Henson's death, as the Henson voiced muppets were retired, leaving the stage open for the (then minor) character of Elmo to take over.
Who knew that Snuffleupagus had a first name, nevertheless that it was Aloysius? (is that long for mud?)
Posted by rladew on 2005-10-10 17:30:27 +0000
although, it wont street til Tue Nov 1st, The Digital Bits folks just posted their SITH DVD review <a href="http://www.thedigitalbits.com/reviews3/starwarsepisode3.html">here.</a>
Looks like it will be quite a treat!
Posted by rladew on 2005-10-26 18:49:19 +0000
Lucas was in <a href="http://www.boston.com/ae/movies/articles/2005/10/25/his_galaxy_is_not_that_far_out_there/?rss_id=Boston+Globe+--+Ty+Burr++columns">Boston</a> this week to promote the opening of the SW Museum of Science exhibit.
The Glob's Ty Burr writes something besides a film review... interesting.
the new blu-ray disc technology hold something like 8 gigs (!) on a single disc. Up til now the mom and pop DVD hasnt had enough oomph/memory to record in HD, but that seems to be quickly changing.
Best wishes to SONY in fighting Bill Gates. I don't get it. After the miserable failure of so many formats I think we need a little Rodney King: cant We all agree and get along?
That vast sucking sound you hear is Lucas turning on his dyson so he can extract the contents of all of his followers wallets (me included unfortunately...sigh)
After you launch the trail map, notice the high peak in the upper right hand corner, Mount Mansfield. About half way down, where the trees turn green again, and the clouds are pictured, is Dagobah (as named by the Burton guys). Awesome glades... goodtimes.
<img src="http://www.aintitcool.com/images/dag3.jpg">
Greivous makes Shaak Ti eat it:
<img src="http://www.aintitcool.com/images/deletedscenes2.jpg">
Obi and Ani forget their bathing suits (again):
<img src="http://www.aintitcool.com/images/deletedscenes6.jpg">
Truly a creepy, irksome voice. La La La La, La La La La, Elmo's world indeed. STF Up, you red johnny-come-lately muppet. (do any of our lovely RSN fact checkers know if Henson was even alive when Elmo came down the pike? Lets hope the USPS didnt make a stamp out of this lesser muppet)
Who knew that Snuffleupagus had a first name, nevertheless that it was Aloysius? (is that long for mud?)
Looks like it will be quite a treat!
The Glob's Ty Burr writes something besides a film review... interesting.