it ain't kosher
Yesterday at work, I started to get a little drowsy.
"What I need," I thought to myself, "is some juice to perk me up and give me enough zip to finish the work day."
I went to the office pantry area, where there's a soda machine, courtesy of Pepsico. I inserted my $1.25 and received in return a bottle of Dole Ruby Red Grapefruit flavor 100% Juice drink.
Curious to see what the other juices in it were, I looked at the ingredients list as I carried it back to my cubicle.
Filtered water. White grape juice cocentrate. Ruby red grapefruit juice concentrate. Apple juice concentrate. Pectin (not technically a juice, but fruit-derived). Ascorbic acid (Vitamin C). Carmine.
CARMINE???? What the heck is carmine? I looked it up, and discovered that it's a natural ingredient used for coloring food. It's produced by gathering thousands of little red-colored insects, and crushing their bodies.
On the other hand, the juice actually tasted pretty good.
The Dole Ruby Red Grapefruit is too sweet for grapefruit juice. I want it tarty! That being said, I too will go for the DRRG if a bit of zip is needed for my day.
Not exactly vegetarian, either. (?)