Sorry, sorry... I have missed you guys, and I do read up when I can...
The director of my organisation has been in China for the past 3 weeks, during which time I've been back & forth to London & Berlin for conference planning meetings, in less than 2 weeks' time our Berlin conference begins (for which we have almost 200 delegates - having planned for only 80), and 3 weeks after that our London conference takes place (a more manageable 70 delegates). Since most aspects of the planning has already been delegated to me, the director's absence shouldn't have been such a blow, but I'm finding that I have to make a lot more executive decisions than I'd thought I would. Plus things on both conferences have been delayed as a result of working on two conferences at the same time (have I mentioned that I don't have an assistant?) so it's essentially crunch time all the time these days.
Anyhoo. Too much aggro for too little pay. Can't wait for December, when I can breathe again.
Aw, he's only wearing that Band-Aid (TM) for his homies in prison.
Posted by dawnbixtler on 2005-09-30 07:15:23 +0000
Delay's not in jail, yet!
Posted by frame609 on 2005-09-30 07:55:36 +0000
That shit = crazy! Too bad they missed the best painting at the Louvre.
Posted by dawnbixtler on 2005-09-30 07:59:55 +0000
One of the most flattering moments of my life:
I'm at the Lourve, near the throngs of kids in front of the Mona Lisa, and some girl asked if she could take my picture...
The director of my organisation has been in China for the past 3 weeks, during which time I've been back & forth to London & Berlin for conference planning meetings, in less than 2 weeks' time our Berlin conference begins (for which we have almost 200 delegates - having planned for only 80), and 3 weeks after that our London conference takes place (a more manageable 70 delegates). Since most aspects of the planning has already been delegated to me, the director's absence shouldn't have been such a blow, but I'm finding that I have to make a lot more executive decisions than I'd thought I would. Plus things on both conferences have been delayed as a result of working on two conferences at the same time (have I mentioned that I don't have an assistant?) so it's essentially crunch time all the time these days.
Anyhoo. Too much aggro for too little pay. Can't wait for December, when I can breathe again.
Wanh wanh, I'm such a big baby.
Delay's not in jail, yet!
I'm at the Lourve, near the throngs of kids in front of the Mona Lisa, and some girl asked if she could take my picture...