Wow. Has anyone else seen this?
My favorite is "You can have my gun, when you pry from the fingers of my cold, dead child."
Posted by $Trippi$ on 2004-07-19 20:40:42 +0000
or maybe chimpeach
Posted by frame609 on 2004-07-20 06:29:40 +0000
That shit is sick. I have a few ideas.
Posted by edward on 2004-07-20 15:38:49 +0000
I say we freewayblog next monday....
Posted by frame609 on 2004-07-20 17:30:33 +0000
Posted by edward on 2004-07-20 17:41:26 +0000
I'm thinking over the Mass Pike somewhere. Everett street?
Posted by frame609 on 2004-07-20 21:22:27 +0000
The bridge down by the Sports Depot.
Posted by $Trippi$ on 2004-07-21 13:11:55 +0000
food not bombs
bitches = bush
Posted by G lib on 2004-07-21 14:20:01 +0000
We could do one per day during the DNC.
All of the DNC people are probably already anti-Bush. Maybe we should do something like
"DEMOCRATS-- You're not trying Hard Enough"
Posted by frame609 on 2004-07-21 19:05:49 +0000
That one is really good, G.
I was thinkin' "This traffic jam courtesy of the DNC."
Posted by edward on 2004-07-21 21:20:27 +0000
I hate to be a copy-cat, but "Impeach Cheney First" has a nice ring to it.
Posted by G lib on 2004-07-22 13:46:39 +0000
How about:
"Should I vote for Nader?"
Posted by frame609 on 2004-07-22 17:29:20 +0000
"If you were on the train, you'd be illegally searched now."
Posted by G lib on 2004-07-22 18:22:08 +0000
How about
"Another hysterical librarian"
Posted by frame609 on 2004-07-22 19:13:11 +0000
that should be your tag- AHL.
Posted by rladew on 2004-07-23 21:08:09 +0000
The idea is good but the site is way politically one-sided. A turn off as far as I'm concerned.
Posted by edward on 2004-07-24 03:08:05 +0000
rladew is right; it's one sided, which would bother me if it was incorrect.
Posted by frame609 on 2004-07-24 04:44:52 +0000
Oh, snap!
Posted by G lib on 2004-07-26 13:47:20 +0000
Any ideas on when/where to meet? I'm thinking about joining y'all, and maybe bringing Honor and Mimi with me...
Posted by tgl on 2004-07-26 13:54:28 +0000
On the way back from NH yesterday there were a bunch of Democrats hanging out on the bridges over I-93. Those cross-overs could use some sprucing up...
Posted by $Trippi$ on 2004-07-26 18:35:58 +0000
On the storrow bridge we could write
"A Robot is better than a Monkey"
"Gore was Robbed"
Posted by $Trippi$ on 2004-07-26 18:38:11 +0000
This website is pretty funny and radical!
Posted by tgl on 2004-07-27 01:06:27 +0000
This website? Oh, you mean [url][/url].
Posted by rladew on 2004-07-28 04:14:33 +0000
gore was robbed? yeah right. I hope people dont forget how to count this year. gore couldn't even win his home state.
vote libertarian. privatize everything. I dont want to make the government bigger and send even more of my $$ to Washington where I will never see it again.
ok. rant over. check the "This Land Is your land" parody on atom films.
The sound clips are hilarious and it skewers just about everything.
Goodluck making signs! I hope someone makes pictures. Hope its abstract or clever and not name calling like "Chimpeach" or Bush = Hitler or who cares about Osama anymore.
Motherfuckers did fly planes into our buildings and ignoring terrorists wont make them go away. (Sorry I guess my rant wasnt finished)
seacrest out.
Posted by frame609 on 2004-07-28 05:52:08 +0000
Posted by tgl on 2004-07-28 19:20:53 +0000
Looks like someone has forgotten to update, this site is a little better: [url][/url].
Gore Robbed:
Al didn't really help himself in 2000, he lost to a stunningly deficient candidate. However, it's true that the State of Florida improperly dis-enfranchised thousands of voters. When the margin of victory in Florida was 500 votes, well, robbed is an interesting word ...and Florida ain't done yet: [url=]P. Krugman / NY Times[/url]
Privatize Everything:
I don't want to make global corporations bigger and send even more of my $$ to G.E., Viacom, Halliburton, Boeing, General Dyanmics, etc. where I will never see it again. The amount of government spending on non-defense related discretionary programs has increased 16% since 2000. [url=][/url]. Considering the addition of the Dept. of Homeland Securityand expansion of the Justice Dept. powers with the Patriot Act I haven't noticed the Government getting smaller under Bush. These changes are in response to terrorism, are we any safer now with these Big Government expansions? Small government solutions would be increased funding for first responders: Police, Firefighters and EMTs. That has yet to happen.
None of them came from, or were helped by, Saddam Hussein or Iraq. While Iraq's capability of WMD, _might_ have fallen into Islamic terrorists hands, reasonable people did not view Iraq's threat as iminent based on intelligence gathered before the invasion of Iraq. Continuing inspections would have saved thousands of lives (900 American combat deaths so far, ~12,000 Iraqi civilians) and billions of dollars. Hussein was a tyrant, good riddance. Is Bush going to remove the other 30 or so totalitarian regimes left in the world? I don't see the Administration acting for purely Human Rights issues. Unfortunately, we seem to be ignoring the terrorists that are still in Afghanistan [url][/url].
Posted by edward on 2004-07-28 19:53:51 +0000
Do not forget, that if the US Supreme Court had not unprecedently stopped the voting process and let Florida's Supreme Judicial Court's ruling stand, Gore won. "Robbed," maybe not, but Judges should not determine an elected official.
The Bush adminstration is undoubtly ignoring the terrorists, I think that's the point....
Posted by tgl on 2004-07-28 20:06:17 +0000
There is a line here between federal oversight of elections and States rights. (Notice I didn't capitalize 'rights' there). I think Florida should be allowed to decide the best method for running elections, however, it needs to be reprimanded for unfair (illegal?) practices.
Posted by tgl on 2004-07-29 14:05:51 +0000
That being said, "Bush = Hitler" is a little heavy handed. It's not gonna provoke anyone to think critically about the actions of the current administration.
Posted by frame609 on 2004-07-29 18:21:22 +0000
Last night I was walkin' around down by the FleetCenter and the Vets Vs. Kerry were chanting 'Ho ho ho Chi Minh,' which I thought was pretty excellent (though not Freewayblog ready, by any means.)