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tome cusp
Posted by Miriam on 2005-10-03 16:09:19 +0000

Big Baby

As of Friday night, around the time the Red Sox beat the Yankees, I became an aunt again. It's a boy: 8lbs 9oz, 21". He doesn't have a name yet, but the bris is scheduled for Sunday. I got to hold him and give him a bit of a bottle on Saturday. Very cute, very big kid. He has a smattering of curly, almost reddish hair, long fingers and huge feet. My sister-in-law was induced on Thursday afternoon and there were complications. The baby's heart-rate dropped whenever she had a contraction, so they were ready to do a c-section the whole time. Everyone is home as of this morning, and doing well.

Posted by rladew on 2005-10-03 16:20:12 +0000

Posted by Miriam on 2005-10-03 16:32:13 +0000
Thanks! Now my sibs each have a boy and a girl. I'm starting to feel left out. Then again, I have avoided diaper-changing duty for the last 9 1/2 year successfully and hope to keep that up until I have kids of my own...eventually.

Posted by rladew on 2005-10-03 16:54:42 +0000
last year, in other baseball-related converstaion, we were still in our (ever shrinking) Nashua NH apartment and the baby often had her portacrib in the same room Jackie and I slept in. as Maddie was constantly feeding in October, and I was constantly watching the Red Sox, Maddie got a few peeks. By the time the world series rolled around, I had a nervous tic / superstiton where I had to have Maddie see a piece of each game. Every time she watched, they won!

Now, for 2005, though, it seems the opposite is true. the game I had her watch the other day was against Toronto, and we bit it big time. So, sorry Maddie, no more Red Sox games for you in 2005...



Posted by Miriam on 2005-10-03 17:02:14 +0000
Friday night I taught my nieces and nephew about loving the Red Sox. The 2 year old, Shayna put her hands up and cheered when they won! It totally rocked.

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