Big Baby
As of Friday night, around the time the Red Sox beat the Yankees, I became an aunt again. It's a boy: 8lbs 9oz, 21". He doesn't have a name yet, but the bris is scheduled for Sunday. I got to hold him and give him a bit of a bottle on Saturday. Very cute, very big kid. He has a smattering of curly, almost reddish hair, long fingers and huge feet. My sister-in-law was induced on Thursday afternoon and there were complications. The baby's heart-rate dropped whenever she had a contraction, so they were ready to do a c-section the whole time. Everyone is home as of this morning, and doing well.
Now, for 2005, though, it seems the opposite is true. the game I had her watch the other day was against Toronto, and we bit it big time. So, sorry Maddie, no more Red Sox games for you in 2005...