Anyone use T-Mobile for their cell phone?
So in my trials and tribulations of finding a cell phone plan, I've stumbled upon T-Mobile. Everyone says stay away from Sprint: Ghetto reception, no customer service, etc. So I thought it was Verizon all the way, and I think most on the rs.n board use Verizon. But T-mobile is cheaper, still hands out free phones, has a store in Davis Sq., AND has no $35 activation fee.
Also, they have good text messaging packages, but if you are using text messaging you are a gay homosexual.
Reasons to use Verizon:
<ol type=I>
<li> We all use it, and intra-verizon-wireless calls are free.
<li> Best coverage of New England
<li> One bill with your FIOS, we all have FIOS, right?
<li> They too have shitty phones they give you for free (but I'm glad I ponied up $50 for a better one)
It's only available in 25 towns in MA currently. Littleton is one of those towns.
T-mobile is looking like the winner...
Makes me think of M. Python's "getting hit on the head lessons"
say waaaaaaaah! waaaaaaah!
Obviously, I miss y'all, too!