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tome cusp
Posted by G lib on 2005-10-05 13:46:50 +0000

Fringes of the City

From the Glob:

<a href=http://www.boston.com/realestate/articles/2005/08/14/fringes_of_the_city/>
Fringes of the city: Boston beckons, but some buyers can't afford the prices. So they're turning to emerging neighborhoods.</a>
<i>"Allegra Pawlowski and Danielle Giannone find the sound of cars whooshing overhead on the Tobin Bridge soothing. Like the soft roar of waves rolling ashore by an oceanfront home, the sound above serves as a constant reminder of where they live. It makes their home more alive."</i>

Danielle (the one in the skylight) was our realtor.

<img src= "http://cache.boston.com/bonzai-fba/Globe_Photo/2005/08/15/1124123859_4253.jpg">

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