Mac or PC
The time has come for me to purchase a personal computer of some sort, so that I don't have to continually interrupt my mother's spider games.
Now, of course I decide to do this the week after I get dumped by a guy who advised people on this sort of thing professionally (computer hardware purchasing, not dumping), but that's the way life goes. Although I am still considering calling him up and cashing in on our summer fling, I thought I would first seek reccommendations from the wide world of rideside.
Any suggestions?
As long as the LAN in the house is Ethernet (I can't imagine it isn't) there won't be connection issues.
Mostly just because it looks cool, is way more computing power than I actually need, and I don't want to think too hard about what I want (if I buy it through work I get a nominal discount plus a 20 gig ipod for $90). I feel a little bit like I should do more research or something, but it's like shopping for camping gear--the obsessive possibilities are so endless that it's easier just to point and say, "Me like."
I think Macs look cool, too. Been a pc gal for a while, though and think they're easy to use.
Macs are good for design, though, from all I hear. I think you should look into the programming options for each.
Actually, no matter how much you want out of a computer, you can get a comparable PC for half the cost of a Mac. The only people I would recommend Macs to are "Mac People" (read: religious problem), and people who want to use heavy duty graphics (or video, Dawn) software.
I hate Microsoft, but they really have the best thing going.
Oh, and fuck Linux, too.
(apparently this works for older trade in cars at expensive dealerships as well, its easier and cheaper for them to give them away than to wash / service them and send them to an auction - haven't tried this yet)