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it devolves into boys talking about sports and hardcore
Posted by dawnbixtler on 2005-10-12 06:53:47 +0000

2005 ALCS: On Becoming an Angels fan.

Great game, and I'm glad the Angels won.

The past 58 hours for the Angels:
Game 4 at Yankee stadium 2-3. Loss. Fly to LA, arrive at 3:00 am.
Game 5 in LA 5-3. Win. Clinch Series. Fly to Chicago, arrive at 3:15 am.
Game 1 in Chicago 3-2. Win.
Game 2 tonight at 8:00pm

Gritty, gutty stuff.
So Rivera started in right field, so Vlad can rest and DH, cool move.
Impressed by Figgins, like I really really like the guy.
Byrd was fantastic while never cracking 90 mph.
Anderson reminds me of left fielding Trot Nixon.
Molina throws out Podsednik and Pierzynski. (one run ball game, big time)
And then there's Orlando Cabrera...

I know the history of Chi-town and 60 hours ago I thought about buying a White Sox hat (Note: I did buy a re-issue 1919 White Sox hat in the spring of '91. It had the "o" and the "x" of "Sox" in the upper and lower swoops of the "S". Traded it with Madeline Baer for a green wool American University hat summer of '93).
But I like the dudes with halos on their caps.

Posted by frame609 on 2005-10-12 07:24:14 +0000
It's tough- the White Sox have even more of a history of tough luck than the Red Sox did, but the Angels are so likeable. People think I'm copping out when I say I honestly don't care who gets to the Series....

Posted by dawnbixtler on 2005-10-12 07:50:10 +0000
Not at all a cop out.
Plus you're a Red Sox fan. Do you root for the team hat beat them, or the team that beat the MFY? Complete toss up.
I must say not being aligned with a team has its advantages, plus you get more sleep.

Posted by frame609 on 2005-10-12 07:59:50 +0000
Over in the N.L., I'd love to see the Astros win so that some of the older guys on the team get rings before they retire- Biggio and Bagwell totally deserve 'em. On the flip, though, it's be nice to see the Cardinals win 'em, too- Carpenter and Mulder and Edmonds, etc.

I'm excited to watch the playoffs without investment.

Posted by tendiamonds on 2005-10-12 13:15:26 +0000
Figgins steals bases like people think Podsednik does.

Posted by tendiamonds on 2005-10-12 13:17:14 +0000
Chris Carpenter deserves the NL Cy Young, sorry Roger and Dontrelle.

Back when The Tribe was still in, I wanted to see an NLCS matchup of Mulder vs Hudson.

It was so nice to go to bed last night when the game was still on and not care.

Posted by dawnbixtler on 2005-10-13 15:24:16 +0000
Well that was the worst bottom of the ninth, two out, tie ballgame, call I've ever seen from a home plate umpire.
Whew! That stinks!

Posted by dawnbixtler on 2005-10-16 05:52:30 +0000
White Sox pitching = dominant. Too much fire power.
So to be a fairweather fan of the Halos, it'd be nice to see the Pale Sox in the Series. Yeah, I suck...

Posted by tendiamonds on 2005-10-17 16:56:22 +0000
I can't blame you, Dawn... 4 games and the bullpen has recorded 2/3 of an inning of work? Nobody should pitch that well. I hope to see pitching duals with the Astros, since the Astros pitching will crush the Pale Hose.

Posted by tendiamonds on 2005-10-17 16:59:40 +0000
Sorry, missed yesterday's complete game, 5 games, 2/3 IP for bullpen.


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