Hot Stuff in a Cold Apt
Today I've decided to get the gas turned on at my house. I woke up this morning feeling like I was back in Boston. The thermostat wasn't registering the temperature in my place today 'cause it was below 60 degrees indoors. Ugh. I think there's a $300 deposit to get the gas turned on, but at least it's through the HVAC system and I won't have to deal with baseboard heat or radiators anymore.
Good thing I get paid next Monday.
If we didn't have tenants, PChippy would probably not let me turn on the heat until January.
<i>What's cooler than cool? Ice cold!</i> --Andree 3K
<i>(chortle, self-induced)</i>
Don't worry, the thermostat is set at 58deg. F.
Reminds me of a line from "Watership Down": Humans don't claim winter is their favorite season because they enjoy the weather, rather, they enjoy the feeling of being impervious to the weather.