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Posted by pchippy on 2005-10-27 18:01:11 +0000

Winterfest '05-'06

Come one, come all, to this year's WINTERFEST!

Dates: Tues., 12/27/2005 to Sun., 1/1/2006
Location: Casa di Chipcagni, Madison, New Hampshire

Come for one night! Come for five nights! Giordana and I would like to welcome you to spend part of the holidays up in Madison, in the foothills of the beautiful White Mountains. This year the snow has started to accumulate early in the higher elevations; Mount Washington saw its highest-ever October snowfall total (over 72 inches), and even at highway level there's currently snow. We hope this trend will continue. If it does, there will be plenty of options for winter sports: snowshoeing in the woods and across the frozen beaver swamps near the house, snowtubing and ice-skating and X-C and downhill skiing at King Pine two miles away, open-slope backcountry skiing at Foss Mountain ten miles away, easy snow- and ice-climbing in the National Forest (where anyone who wants to can get practice using ice axe and crampons), and of course lumberjacking in the woods just behind the house.

If we get nasty weather, indoor options will include movies, shopping, and a climbing wall in North Conway, in addition to lots of old books, old vinyl records, cribbage, beer, and sitting around the fire at the schoolhouse.


1. If you don't know the way, e-mail me for directions. Better yet, carpool with someone whoo does know the way.

2. Bed space is limited, and is first-come first-served. At the moment we have a double bed in the bunkhouse, a double ed and two single beds in the schoolhouse, and a couple of decent sofas. If moore people show up, we'll separate mattresses from box-springs to produce nearly twice as much (though less commfortable) sleeping space. We have a few extra sleeping bags and down comforters and a moderate number of sheets and pillowcases, but it might be helpful to bring your own.

3. Bring food and beverages to add to the communal stockpile.

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