I wrote to the top! (follow up)
An answer from the T Rider's Union about how the Silver Line doesn't stop at The Airport T station:
<i>G Lib,
Question: How long does it take for the T to answer a straight
Answer: at least 30 days!
OK, that's not so funny but it did take almost a month to just get a clear answer on this.
So, you we're right. It is a Massport issue. Massport does not want the silver lie to stop at Airport station b/c they say the "service will be redundant" and is not necessary as they already have an airport shuttle bus. They also say that it would take more (too much) time to get riders from airport to S. Station.
I believe the T would like it to stop there and they need permission from Massport and right now that's not going to happen.
Do you use this route regularly? or would you?
Let me know if I can do anything else to help.
Take care,
Lady Who runs the T Riders' Union</i>
<b>THIS IS WAR!!!</b>
Erin Brockovich, here I come!