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throwing shoes since '04
Posted by thirdbeat on 2005-11-09 05:32:19 +0000

so a nun walks into a bar...

check out this dark and gloomy tale (actually just a joke). my apologies if its an 8.0 on the corny richter scale... A Good Nun Joke A cabbie picks up a Nun. She gets into the cab and notices that the VERY handsome cab driver won't stop staring at her. She asks him why he is staring. He replies: "I have a question to ask you, but I don't want to offend you." She answerd," My son, you cannot offend me. When you're as old as I am and have been a nun as long as I have, you get a chance to see and hear just about every thing. I'm sure that there is nothing you could say or ask that I would find offensive." "Well, I've always had a fantasy to have a nun kiss me." She responds, "Well, Let's see what we can do about that: #1 you have to be single and #2, you must be Catholic." The cab driver is very excited and says, "Yes, I'm single and Catholic!" "OK" the nun says. "Pull into the next alley." The nun fulfills his fantasy with a kiss that would make a hooker blush. But when they get back on the road, the cab driver starts crying. "My dear child," said the nun, "why are you crying?" "Forgive my but I've sinned. I lied and I must confess, I'm married and I'm Jewish." The nun says, "That's OK. My name is Kevin and I'm going to a Halloween party!"

Posted by pamsterdam on 2005-11-09 07:32:07 +0000
Heh heh heh. Dirty nun!

Posted by Miriam on 2005-11-09 17:10:32 +0000
I remember a Halloween party at the Malbert where there were 3 nuns...two were guys. Dawn was a preggers nun, right? And Stoops was the other guy. Who was the girl nun? Anyone remember?

Posted by dawnbixtler on 2005-11-09 18:42:38 +0000
It was not Megan McLaughlin. She and Uncle J were very grossed out by my abortion skit, and I don't remember either of them in costume. Austin B. was a man in a box.

Posted by G lib on 2005-11-09 18:53:26 +0000
Nuh un, Dawn! Austin B. was a man in a box at Mike U's party-- the same one that BQ and I dressed up as Joe and (S-M) Hadassah Leiberman. Not at that Malbert party. The nuns were DEFINITELY at the Malbert party, I think the year before/after. ______________ Cha ching!

Posted by G lib on 2005-11-09 19:01:37 +0000
Some more memories from the Mike U party-- That Girl from Jaws 2 lost the kegs out of the back of his pickup truck on his way to the party from snorewood, so there wasn't very much beer at the party. He thinks they were on the side of the road on the mass pike, and had some elaborate story about how he just made some kid's day. Actually, wastn't that the night that TGJ2 was born? He was handing out business cards? Ever resourceful, Beckybunny took all of the swill from all of the empties at the party and put it into one glass-- they called it The Challice. They forced everyone to drink from The Challice, and then told them what it was after. Austin B. spent the whole night saying "Would you like to get into my box?" to all of the hot girls, and then would open up a little door and let them in. That wasn't the night that Dina started dating all of the Damn Personals in succession, wasn't it? I spent the whole night removing one item of clothing at a time down from Miriam's red power suit to a PVC bustier, platforms, and fishnets... BQ was so stoned that every time he saw me he thought he was losing his mind! ______________ Cha ching!

Posted by frame609 on 2005-11-09 19:04:09 +0000
That wasn't the night that Dina started dating all of the Damn Personals in succession, wasn't it? Amazing.

Posted by Miriam on 2005-11-09 19:33:23 +0000
Was that when he made out with Megan?

Posted by Miriam on 2005-11-09 19:35:08 +0000
Those idiots would call every time she left Foster St at 4am and I would answer the damn phone. Damn the Damn Personals! I actually yelled at one of them at a show and told him to stop calling our house after 11pm. He was thoroughly embarrassed.

Posted by frame609 on 2005-11-09 19:45:36 +0000
I think the Megan thing might have gone down (no pun intended) at Mike U's old place on Haskell.

Posted by pamsterdam on 2005-11-09 19:59:20 +0000
ARGH! Those stupid coke-head morons! ARGH and ARGH again!!! It's 3am. The phone is ringing. Who is it? A coked up Damn Personal. ARGH!

Posted by Miriam on 2005-11-09 20:15:41 +0000
Oh, no. I'm SURE it was at the Malbert. Also from that party, I have a pic of TGL in his shark costume (that he found in the scary back stairwell of Prospect St) talking with Megan in the doorway between the Malbert kitchen and dining room.

Posted by tendiamonds on 2005-11-09 20:19:26 +0000
I'm the other person in the "They" with Beckybunny. We would present the challice for drinking, offering to hold people's beers as they drank, and then we would add their beer to the challice instead of giving it back. The Man kept kicking me out of his Box.

Posted by tendiamonds on 2005-11-09 20:20:50 +0000
No no, I'm pretty sure tgl made his shark costume... Dawn found her cow costume in the back stairway...

Posted by mr. mister on 2005-11-10 06:34:17 +0000
I remember the mike u party. I was hanging out with Ian Sayre and Alys and Skully. Alys had broken up with Ian so he told people at the party that she had AIDS. Then he proceeded to drink (that kid only smoked w--d) and hurled off the roof. then broke a bottle outside..... Dina was trying to rekindle an old flame w/ Joe Grillo that night if I remember.

Posted by frame609 on 2005-11-10 07:03:29 +0000
Good times!

Posted by Miriam on 2005-11-10 15:48:00 +0000
Skully was a GREAAAAT Bowie that night. I was oddly attracted.

Posted by tgl on 2005-11-11 00:51:14 +0000
I remember the chalice as taking on a cherry flavor after some time.

Posted by rladew on 2005-11-11 02:17:51 +0000
Pam's photo posts (TM): when you absolutely, positively want to lose your job, count on that crazy lady from Amsterdam :) _______________________________

Posted by Miriam on 2005-11-11 20:53:31 +0000
After the chalice and the kicked keg, a few of us went down the street in search of more booze...like we really needed it. We ended up at some bizarre house. I walked into a room (dressed as Lust), and there were all these people lounging around in piles on the floor. One of them somehow recognized me and asked if I was the girl who wrote the dirty haikus. I said no and quickly left. I lied...a few weeks before that I'd done a big spoken word thing at one of the La Fete Du Sisks. Didn't feel all that comfortable at the time, though.

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