Damn secure connection alert! Whenever I see that pop-up I'll just assume it's rladew's fav. bumper sticker image.
Still, though, rladew's membership in the VRWC doesn't actually refute the claim that Bush is dumber than a rock. I thought it was his stalwart, rock-like, leadership we admired anyway, not his intellectual brilliance.
Stay the course, people!
Posted by dawnbixtler on 2005-12-05 23:32:51 +0000
<i>Ed.: linked to non-secure location</i>
Still, though, rladew's membership in the VRWC doesn't actually refute the claim that Bush is dumber than a rock. I thought it was his stalwart, rock-like, leadership we admired anyway, not his intellectual brilliance.
Stay the course, people!
Total Kenobi.
Drop It.