Worst President Ever?
We'll have to wait a decade or two, <a href="http://news.yahoo.com/s/ucrr/20051203/cm_ucrr/isgeorgebushtheworstpresidentever;_ylt=AgQRG_SDknsO4tK7Tprjmpis0NUE;_ylu=X3oDMTA3ODdxdHBhBHNlYwM5NjQ-">but historians are already saying as much.</a>
<img src="http://pages.zdnet.com/trimb/sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderpictures/evilshrub2.jpg">
If only the country could have realized this a couple years ago...
It's not a great article, and there is clearly some bias (and even a typo or two), but I found it interesting that Bush already gets 50 "worst ever votes" out of 415. I wonder what Buchanan, Harding, or Grant got.
I can't understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I'm frightened of the old ones.
-John Cage
...How Unusual.
This poll holds about as much clout as R. Stone's top 100 guitarists
I can't understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I'm frightened of the old ones.
-John Cage
And it holds much more clout than a couple RS editors. This is hundreds of historians, liberals and conservatives. The truth stings.
I can't understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I'm frightened of the old ones.
-John Cage
2008 write in candidacy: Quigley / Voss
cruft: /kruhft/
[very common; back-formation from crufty]
1. n. An unpleasant substance. The dust that gathers under your bed is cruft; the TMRC Dictionary correctly noted that attackin
When you have done everything humanly possible – with a project, with a business, with a relationship – then the only thing left to do is to let it go.
To illustrate her point in a provocative way, she describes a poignant scene in the adventure movie, Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. Towards the climax of the film, Indiana Jones and his father have finally found the Holy Grail:
“After many adventures and heartaches, Indiana is finally at the precipice – about to grasp the very item he and his father have been searching for. And yet, so precarious is his position on the cliff that his father realizes if Indiana retrieves the grail, he will lose his balance and fall into the pit below. As Indiana is about to lift up the prize, his father whispers, “Let it go.â€
“There is a long pause, and you can see the anguish in Indiana’s face. Have they come all this way for nothing? Can’t he finally grasp the treasure they’ve been searching for? Can’t he finally make his father proud of him? Another second passes, and his father takes his arm and says more firmly, “Indiana, let it go.â€
Though My Favorite Progressive Republican points out, this <a href="http://bullmooseblogger.blogspot.com/2006/04/thanks-rummy.html">Executive and Secretaries have united the 50 states more than people realize.</a>
Good thing there won't ever be another POTUSA after 1/07/09
If the United States is still ongoing, how can anything be deemed the best or worst? We haven't seen it all yet. (Unless Conor has been borrowing Mahatma Chani's property, which I suppose is a distinct possibility)
If Clinton wins in 2008, I would have to say there is.
Thanks Drudge...
"Just a hypothetical question here: why is someone who is talking about current events called an "historian?" Doesn't the inherent definition of "historian" require some distance from the event?
* By bizquig3000 at 2005 Dec 8 - 8:56am
Huh? And "journalists" are not allowed to talk about history? They are historians talking about current events. So be it.
# By dawnbixtler at 2005 Dec 8 - 9:02am"
I guess one could argue that they cannot be historians on G.W. Bush because there is no time distance.
<img src="http://www.thepeoplesvoice.org/cgi-bin/blogs/media/bush-mission-accomplished.jpg">
He certainly can't drop any lower. ...Nixon did get a "bounce" on his death.
This is about lying to everyone about the Attorney firings.
Did Rove he help the Attorney General fire people who didn't fall in line with his politics? Take the stand and take an oath like a man.
I think we all hope Rove goes to jail for a long time...
Bush's mistakes:
<li>listening to Cheney</li>
Maybe not in that order.
"One rule would allow coal companies to dump rock and dirt from mountaintop mining operations into nearby streams and valleys."
(HT: Chunklet)
lower-middle-of-the-pack: That'd be generous of future historians.
Please link to the "real" approval ratings you're talking about.
I think he's 3rd worst as of now, but he'll most likely drop to 2nd worst over time. I'm just glad I never voted for the guy.
Does he get the Pardon?
Gallup polls: <a href="http://online.wsj.com/public/resources/documents/info-presapp0605-31.html">here</a> and <a href="http://www.gallup.com/poll/113770/Bush-Presidency-Closes-34-Approval-61-Disapproval.aspx">here.</a>
He's the worst president ever in the poll I just took: me.
HT: Yglesias
<img src="http://sweetfuzz.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/01/indiana-jones-3-last-crusade-1603.jpg">
I get your point about torture and I am not attempting to argue that.
At some point there must be something more / better to talk about than GWB.
Other than this post here, I rarely spend time on the guy.
Grover Cleveland: not his real name. Discuss.
GWB policies were so corrupt and catastrophic, my generation may take decades to recover. MF DU wants to move on, but I feel we need to remember.
Those who forget history...
GWB policies were so corrupt and catastrophic, my generation may take decades to recover. MF DU wants to move on, but I feel we need to remember.