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it devolves into boys talking about sports and hardcore
Posted by Null Protocol on 2005-12-16 13:30:29 +0000

Just in time for the Holidays

Just got the <a href="http://www.downtownmusicgallery.com">downtownmusicgallery.com</a> newsletter today:

And now for this week's treasures:

ZORN/DOUGLAS/PATTON/BURGER/LASWELL/PEROWSKY - The Stone/ Issue One (Tzadik 0002) It's finally here and it is a wonderful thing! The extraordinary one-time meeting features John Zorn on alto sax, Dave Douglas on trumpet, Mike Patton on vocal sounds & manipulations, Rob Burger on organ & electric piano, Bill Laswell on bass and Ben Perowsky on drums. This is an incredible 8-part suite that flows together just right. It opens with a sublime, hypnotic 'In a Silent Way'-like vibe, distant organ and electric piano, lovely bass, tasty whispered vocals and nice mallet work. The second part ("Interlude 1") features the ridiculously cool and twisted vocal shenanigans of Mike Patton, short and to the point. "Part One" is actually a Masada tune with Bill Laswell providing that great bass line, sorta like a Masada dub/groove. Both Zorn and Dave Douglas play together magically, their horns locked in a superb embrace, as they bend and stretch their notes around one another. "Interlude 2" is just those two horns and Patton's vocals dancing around each other and spitting out those fractured notes. "Part Two" is the long track with some incredible playing from Dave and John, both taking superb solos, with some simmering organ and electric piano from Mr. Burger and more of the great bass groove from Bill. Laswell sounds wonderful through, playing some of the best, most melodic and enchanting bass we've heard from him recently. Dave's exquisite muted trumpet on "Postlude" is sublime and stunning in its beauty with Zorn's selective sax squeaks weaving intricately around him. "Coda" closes this grand disc with some incredible fuzz bass from Bill and some heavy duty multiphonic, circular sax from our main man. Mainly this great duo section will help to get us prepared for that New Year's Day gig by Painkiller (Zorn, Laswell, Patton, Submerged & Licata) at Tonic. An immense conclusion to an astonishing CD! - BLG

Unsigned CD for $20

ALSO, a Special Edition Signed by John Zorn, limited to 1000 copies #'d 000 - 999] is available exclusively from - CD for $30

The signed edition is $32 if using a card, or [a discount of] $30 if paying cash
The un-signed edition is $21 if using a card, or [a discount of] $20 if paying cash

[NYS Sales Tax DOES apply to all in-store purchases, as well as all NY State mail orders]


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