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Posted by rladew on 2004-08-01 16:02:54 +0000

Fortress of Solitude - Jonathan Lethem

Ok so you haven’t dived into Motherless Brooklyn yet. That’s alright soon it’ll be a movie and after Fortress of Solitude you’ll have more of an incentive to read MB anyway. But Lethem’s new book DEMANDS that you read it ASAP. Im about 50 pages away from finishing it – Ill pass it on however’s way upon first request. Lets see: Coming of age story / gentrification tragedy meets the breeding ground of Punk, Hip Hop, merged with getting mugged in NYC a lot, finding a ring that gives you superpowers, writing thankless record reviews and liner notes which are spectacular but largely unread, living with a Father who makes avant garde films… it goes on and on and begs to be read. Holy shit. More on “Fortress of Solitude” and Jonathan Lethem here. [url]http://www.qpb.com/doc/browse/author/author_profile.jhtml?authorId=10005474&repositoryId=412251B102 [/url]

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