I'm not the only crank at work.
A fellow Lynner and tooth-worker, Martin Kessler, gets himself <a href="http://www.boston.com/news/globe/editorial_opinion/letters/articles/2005/12/21/scapegoating_israel_and_the_jews?mode=PF">printed</a> in the Globe today.
These people are way closer to having nukes than Hussein ever was, and they've got a nutjob for President. Oh wait...
I think he's trying to divert attention from real topics in his country...kind of like the stupid debate over whether science is science or if there was divine intervention into our existence.
Im no fan of the Iranian regime but call a spade a spade
be sure when you're calling a spade a spade that you use inclusive language...LOL
In any case, it's still just a cover for the immediate problems in Iran. He's trying to divert attention from the real issues.
as for the finance:
According to US govt figures Israel has a population of 6,276,883 of which 63.7% of the population are aged 15-64. there is 10.7% unemployment and 18% of the population lives in poverty. The US government pegs the working population of Israel at 2.68 million (CIA World Factbook)
The Israeli government puts the average wage at 83,568 NIS per year which at todays mid market rate is $18,176.28 per year
this gives an income to the working population of: $48,712,430,400
at a tax rate of say 55% this gives an income to the treasury of $26,791,836,720 - thats TOTAL income tax revenue to support the whole state infrastructure - not just defence
an F15 fighter aircraft costs approx $35 million - Israel has 25 - thats just under a billion on one type of aircraft alone - rather expensive toys for a working population the size of Manchester
I am not an antisemitic (or a victim of what the ADL call "creeping antisemitism) I am just incensed that Israel is being allowed to build Berlin walls mk II / bulldose people houses / destroy any chance of the Palestinians ever having a viable state WHILST otherwise rational people defend them at the drop of a hat.
I belive there has to be a recognition that one can be strongly opposed to the Israeli state and their policies / crimes against humanity without being "anti jew"
anyway - just my 2 shekkels
have a great Christmas / Hanukkah / Eid / Winter solstice everyone
In terms of Israelis and Palestinians, I'm not going to get into that with you. I, too, disagree with many things the Israeli government does. That being said, I feel safer in Israel than just about anywhere else. That may be because I'm Jewish and have endured hatred my whole life because of my religion, or it may be because I know the government gives a shit about me, even though I'm not a citizen (which I seriously considered becoming when I was 17). I am hoping to retire there, and will always defend the right of Israel to exist. Okay, I guess I just got into it...but now I have to go back to work...for the Jewish community in Nashville...where part of my job is to encourage teenagers to travel to Israel.