Football video games: any one dorking out out there
Whats a good PS2 title??
Posted by on 2004-08-02 06:25:20 +0000
the alleged best is nfl 2k5.
Posted by on 2004-08-02 13:40:06 +0000
This shit is embarassing.
(but it didn't stop me from playing "Tony Hawk" for about 2 hours on Saturday when I found out it came with Rebecca's new computer)
Posted by on 2004-08-02 16:06:41 +0000
yeah. what Glib said. This shit is embarassing... but fun nonetheless
Posted by on 2004-08-02 17:50:48 +0000
Tony Hawk = sooooooooooo addictive.
Posted by on 2004-08-02 19:04:37 +0000
Grand Thef Auto 5 coming out soon = dangerous
Red Dead Revolver = lethal
Hoo boy. I probably dont need to add football, but, you know I figure it will increase my understanding of the game, and help me use the strategizing in my financial environment....yeah right...
(but it didn't stop me from playing "Tony Hawk" for about 2 hours on Saturday when I found out it came with Rebecca's new computer)
Red Dead Revolver = lethal
Hoo boy. I probably dont need to add football, but, you know I figure it will increase my understanding of the game, and help me use the strategizing in my financial environment....yeah right...