Ginzlers' New England Tour - Spring 2006
<strong>The Ginz and I are coming to a city near</strong> (most of) <strong>you!</strong>
19-22 February * Durham/Portsmouth, NH
22-25 February * Boston, MA
Whilst in NH we will have certain familial obligations, involving a certain young lady's 75th birthday, but we can always make time for a pint & a natter.
We may not be able to bring anything homemade...
the 25th of Feb is a Sat. If you are still in the area, as a WUNH member, I believe I still have privliges to do Saturday Night Specials...
Interested in doing a radio show?
I'm so bummed about that - it would've been great to do a Saturday Night Special, to round out my previous ones...
the Cure
Robyn Hitchcock
the Smiths
80's schlock (led to my Zeitgeist stint)
swing jazz (laugh if you must, but I heart that crap)
...on second thought, maybe WUNH is better off without me! :-)
I still really really really want a copy of that Drunks With Guns' cover of Jesus Christ Superstar on 7". When is your show again? Maybe Ed & I can swing by? I promise not to make you play anything.
This could be the title of yr podcasting show which you WILL be doing on, right? ;).....
Lets get into trouble :)
Is Q still on for Wednesday night? Are there Model/Silhouette plans for the week ahead?
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Can you e-mail me the building/room details?
Woo hoo!
let's all go to the model, and have ourselves a
What've you got in mind?