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Posted by pamsterdam on 2006-01-05 13:09:49 +0000

Ginzlers' New England Tour - Spring 2006

<strong>The Ginz and I are coming to a city near</strong> (most of) <strong>you!</strong>

19-22 February * Durham/Portsmouth, NH
22-25 February * Boston, MA

Whilst in NH we will have certain familial obligations, involving a certain young lady's 75th birthday, but we can always make time for a pint & a natter.


Posted by Honar the librarian on 2006-01-05 13:31:33 +0000
If I host Q on the 22nd, think you could make it?

Posted by pamsterdam on 2006-01-05 13:44:07 +0000
Oh, awesome! Yes! Thank you. :-)

We may not be able to bring anything homemade...

Posted by Honar the librarian on 2006-01-05 14:29:15 +0000
Pish posh! Just bring yourselves, and maybe some booze.

Posted by pamsterdam on 2006-01-05 14:39:07 +0000
My duty-free allowance is all yours. :-)

Posted by buzzorhowl on 2006-01-05 19:42:45 +0000
Come audit my class!

Posted by pamsterdam on 2006-01-05 20:01:52 +0000
That is the best damned idea I've heard all millennium. What day & time?

Posted by bizquig3000 on 2006-01-05 20:59:21 +0000
Alas... we'll be in England.

Posted by buzzorhowl on 2006-01-05 22:20:30 +0000
Monday and Wednesday, 6 to 7:15.

Posted by pamsterdam on 2006-01-06 08:02:21 +0000
Wednesday we should be able to make - we'll be arriving in from NH that day. Yahoo!

Posted by pamsterdam on 2006-01-06 08:03:02 +0000
Which we? BQ & his Lady or the BQ Five?

Posted by Null Protocol on 2006-01-06 12:16:02 +0000
Pam - I just had a crazy idea!

the 25th of Feb is a Sat. If you are still in the area, as a WUNH member, I believe I still have privliges to do Saturday Night Specials...

Interested in doing a radio show?

Posted by pamsterdam on 2006-01-06 13:12:02 +0000
Oh, man! We fly out at 6pm.

I'm so bummed about that - it would've been great to do a Saturday Night Special, to round out my previous ones...

the Cure
Robyn Hitchcock
the Smiths
80's schlock (led to my Zeitgeist stint)
swing jazz (laugh if you must, but I heart that crap)

...on second thought, maybe WUNH is better off without me! :-)

I still really really really want a copy of that Drunks With Guns' cover of Jesus Christ Superstar on 7". When is your show again? Maybe Ed & I can swing by? I promise not to make you play anything.

Posted by Null Protocol on 2006-01-06 14:15:48 +0000
"I Heart That Crap":

This could be the title of yr podcasting show which you WILL be doing on endofradio.com, right? ;).....

Posted by pamsterdam on 2006-01-06 15:12:28 +0000
Um... sure, if you can school me in how it works!

Posted by Null Protocol on 2006-01-06 15:31:43 +0000
Ive got yr e-mail - Ill make sure to forward you what I have so far...

Lets get into trouble :)


Posted by pamsterdam on 2006-02-17 08:01:00 +0000
OK, we arrive in Durham tomorrow night, and then Boston on Wednesday afternoon. We fly out Saturday (25th) afternoon, so hopefully we'll have the chance to see y'all.

Is Q still on for Wednesday night? Are there Model/Silhouette plans for the week ahead?

<img src="http://www.c103.co.uk/images/uploaded/large/ROCKER.JPG"></src>

Posted by Honar the librarian on 2006-02-17 13:15:43 +0000
Q is still on, and if my sister isn't having a romantic evening with the dentist, we may even get to have Q in the big house.

Posted by buzzorhowl on 2006-02-17 17:12:30 +0000
Because of Presidents' Day, I am going to be teaching Wednesday and Thursday this week, so if you wanna check out Los Angeles, come by on the former, or Washington D.C., the latter.

Posted by pamsterdam on 2006-02-17 17:14:09 +0000
Cool! Might be tough to make a choice between the 2...

Can you e-mail me the building/room details?

Woo hoo!

Posted by pamsterdam on 2006-02-17 17:17:42 +0000
OK, explaining LA & DC punk to a late-thirties English ska fan is proving to be a little tough...

Posted by buzzorhowl on 2006-02-17 17:19:19 +0000
Let's all go to the Model after Q!

Posted by Honar the librarian on 2006-02-17 17:31:17 +0000
Let's all go to the model, let's all go to the model,
let's all go to the model, and have ourselves a


Posted by G lib on 2006-02-17 17:41:34 +0000
I'm SO up for Q, but are there other openings in the Ginz' schedule?

Posted by pamsterdam on 2006-02-17 17:43:28 +0000
Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm could be. :-)

What've you got in mind?

Posted by pamsterdam on 2006-02-17 17:43:45 +0000

Posted by dawnbixtler on 2006-02-17 17:45:01 +0000
Gay porn. Good, clean, old fashioned gay porn.

Posted by pamsterdam on 2006-02-17 17:45:35 +0000
Making it or watching it?

Posted by buzzorhowl on 2006-02-17 17:53:53 +0000

Posted by pamsterdam on 2006-02-17 17:57:11 +0000

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