[url=http://apnews.myway.com/article/20040228/D810BV100.html]This one...[/url]
[url=http://www.nytimes.com/2004/02/29/international/worldspecial2/29OSAM.html?hp]this one?[/url]
Posted by bizquig3000 on 2004-02-29 04:58:00 +0000
Yo Terry, why can't we post URLs in this mother? Ed and I have no idea what the fuck to do! Help us, Terry, you're our only hope, the eye is closing in on the pyramid as we speak.
Posted by tgl on 2004-03-01 14:53:19 +0000
[url=http://www.rideside.net/phpBB2/faq.php?mode=bbcode]This page describes the format[/url], it's also available as a link under "[b:ba7b3e06a3]Options[/b:ba7b3e06a3]" that appears in the lower left of the "Post a reply" table. You'll notice that it currently reads:
HTML is [u:ba7b3e06a3]OFF[/u:ba7b3e06a3]
[url=http://www.rideside.net/phpBB2/faq.php?mode=bbcode]BBCode[/url] is [u:ba7b3e06a3]ON[/u:ba7b3e06a3]
Smilies is [u:ba7b3e06a3]OFF[/u:ba7b3e06a3]
Secondly, make sure the "Disable BBCode in this post" option is [u:ba7b3e06a3]NOT CHECKED[/u:ba7b3e06a3], and you should be ok. That selection is to the right of the options list and just about the "Preview" button. I think each user has a default setting for the checkbox, you can change your setting by going to [url=http://www.rideside.net/phpBB2/profile.php?mode=editprofile]your profile page[/url]. There's also a profile link at the top of every page.