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*the* place for collaborative e-snowboarding
Posted by rladew on 2004-08-02 18:18:59 +0000

Netflix cue / Badasss cinema documentary

For those who give a shit (Im sure this is rhetorical and Im setting myself up for a big long who cares statement):

1. Aqua Teen Hunger Force (from the makers of Space Ghost: see the last Chunklet if curious)

2. On the Waterfront (RIP Brando)

3. Miller's Crossing

4. Akira Kurosawa's Yojimbo

5. The Rolling Stones Gimme Shelter

In other news: I just saw a one hour documentary from a Harvard film historian "Badasss Cinema" : Interviews with the usual suspects: Richard Roundtree (Shaft) Pam Grier, Jim Brown (Black Caesar), the guy from Superfly, Tarantino,etc. The scenes of Isaac Hayes rehearsing with the Bar Kays for the SHAFT soundtrack were impossibly awesome.

Some of the interviews were kinda weak (who the Fuck cares what Tupac's mom thinks of blaxploitation? What was her stake in this? as far as I know she wasnt a filmmaker or even a friend of anybody in this film, other than being a black panther for a while...)

Reccommended to either rent on Netflix or see on IFC or check out at Library, but Io wouldn't buy.

Posted by on 2004-08-02 18:27:58 +0000
I have Yojimbo at my house right now, as well as 'City of God.' Checked out 'Papillon' last week.

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