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i ride sideways
Posted by Honar the librarian on 2006-01-23 10:47:09 +0000

Patron Saint for tgl, buzzorhowl and pchippy


Also known as
Amandus; Amand of Maastricht; Amand of France
6 February; formerly 1 February
Monk at age 20. Hermit. When he took the cowl, his family tried to kidnap him to bring him home for "deprogramming", but failed. Bishop of Maestricht. Given a commission to wander and preach. Evangelized in France, Flanders, Carinthia, Gascony, and Germany, sometimes getting beaten by the locals for his trouble. Founded several monasteries and convents. Abbot of Elnone. Friend and spiritual director of Saint Humbert of Pelagius, and was assisted in his work by Saint Acharius. His association with brewers and vintners and related field comes from spending so much time preaching and teaching in beer and wine making regions.
c.584 at Poitou
c.679 at Elnone
Name Meaning
bar staff; barkeepers; bartenders; Boy Scouts; brewers; hotel keepers; innkeepers; merchants; vine growers; vintners; wine-makers; wine merchants
chair; church; flag

Any one got plans for two weeks from yesterday?

Posted by tgl on 2006-01-23 12:10:46 +0000
and tendiamonds.

Posted by Honar the librarian on 2006-01-23 12:25:27 +0000
and 10d.

Posted by tendiamonds on 2006-01-23 15:29:13 +0000

Posted by buzzorhowl on 2006-01-23 15:40:42 +0000
I'm going to bro down with the Boy Scouts for the Super Bowl. Yow!

Posted by pamsterdam on 2006-01-24 04:59:50 +0000
I love Maastricht!
<img src="http://www.stainless-steel-world.net/images/ssw2005/maastricht.jpg"></src>
It's in the Brabant region, which is technically Dutch (cannabis is legal), but culturally more Belgian (best "french fries" - which are actually Belgian) and French (finest wines, savories, and sweets). The landscape is beautiful, and the people are both gorgeous and very friendly (in an almost Midwestern US way).
Why not celebrate St Amand Day in THE NETHERLANDS? :-)
<img src="http://utopia.ision.nl/users/dikkenm/dutch-flag.gif"></src>

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