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throwing shoes since '04
Posted by dawnbixtler on 2006-01-24 15:59:45 +0000

Sad day for our schools

When the Principal Deputy Director of National Intelligence <a href="http://www.dailykos.com/storyonly/2006/1/23/18342/1340">doesn't know the Consitution.</a> I knew the 4th in the 10th grade. Gen Hayden even patronizes the man asking the question.

Shouldn't he be fired?

Posted by dawnbixtler on 2006-01-26 21:53:14 +0000
Glenn Greenwald points out why Bush and Co. defence of illegal spying just doesn't make sense: <a href="http://glenngreenwald.blogspot.com/2006/01/administrations-new-fisa-defense-is.html">They said no to it three years ago.</a> Bush/Cheney/Rove can't even lie correctly any more.

Posted by on 2006-01-26 22:51:52 +0000
Conspiracy Theory No. 216:

Bush & Co. prefer the NSA wiretap controversy as a campaign ploy. Since they can't actually show real evidence that the sacrifice of US soldiers and Iraqi nationals and the erosion of our civil liberties, not to mention a couple of hundred of billions of dollars over the past four and a half years has actually decreased Jihadist terrorism, they can use this red herring as a way to paint opponents as soft on terrorism.

"We're so serious about terrorism, we plan on breaking the law to protect you!"

Was it Machiavelli or Napoleon who said the ends justifies the means?

I need to stop using red herring. The red herring has jumped the shark. Suggestions?

Posted by buzzorhowl on 2006-01-27 00:14:08 +0000
I think it's okay to use red herring if yr. referencing (note: NOT Fagening) Clue.

Posted by dawnbixtler on 2006-01-27 01:26:49 +0000
Interesting angle, but incredibly the press and public don't take issue with the unparalleled dishonesty Bush and Co have proven to use.

Maybe then the Dems can run on a platform of, "We're so serious about terrorism, we plan on capturing and prosecuting terrorists."
Then I might give them my vote.

Posted by Null Protocol on 2006-01-27 02:18:27 +0000
dont make me sic 10D on you, pal...

Posted by cdubrocker on 2006-01-27 12:03:22 +0000
Not only fear of terrorists, but also fear that the pattern of your online searches and phone conversations could meet the standard to be a "person of interest." A la Ari Fleischer's "people need to watch what they say" comment.

"We're so serious about terrorism, we plan on breaking the law to protect you!" - just like Bush's comment in his press conference yesterday about how these are different times, and the FISA laws don't apply anymore, and we're going to ignore them for your own good!

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