I'm not sure it's official yet, are the Indians still waiting on their other centerfielder deal?
This is good news, right? Crisp can hit and field?
Posted by dawnbixtler on 2006-01-24 16:24:49 +0000
It's not even February, tgl, but I suppose it's recent news...
Posted by buzzorhowl on 2006-01-24 16:33:33 +0000
Crisp = awesome. He's still pretty young, still growing, but has a lifetime .287 average, bunts well, and hits a lot of doubles. (He could certainly be more patient, but that's what hitting coaches are for). He's a very good athlete (used to play 2b) and will be locked up for four years at like $3m a year.
(The pickup I'm most excited about is Mark Loretta, the 2B we got for Mirabelli. You'll see.)
Schilling is healthy, Lowell's going to rebound......this is going to be a great season.
Posted by tendiamonds on 2006-01-24 16:46:07 +0000
I think it's good news. Crisp is good, and I think we're going to love him. He plays the game right. But Marte and Mota were pretty big assets, so he didn't come free.
I'm happy to have him for (expected) $20M over the next 4 years as opposed to John Damon for $52. The third and fourth of those years, Coco will be more productive, if not sooner.
I was thinking about this whilst sitting in the car outside of South Acton Coffee and Ice Cream yesterday morning, (a plague upon the neighborgood, never go there) and the folks on WEEI were talking about how Crisp will be better in Fenway than he has been in Cleveland, partly because of he will hit mad doubles off the wall, but also because he'll have Loretta, Ortiz, Manny following him... This opened my eyes! At the end of last season people were talking about how Manny and Ortiz's numbers were partly so good because John was hitting ahead of them and getting on base etc, but they never mentioned that John was getting the good pitches and his numbers were getting a boost from the pitchers not wanting to pitch to them other guys.
Anyway, I think it's good news, we'll see. I'm not that excited about Gonzalez, but he is good. What's Graffanino going to do?
Posted by buzzorhowl on 2006-01-24 16:51:08 +0000
Loretta is going to be a big upgrade over Edgar in the 2-spot, so any loss of production from the #1 (Coco for Damon) wil, be made up for, hopefully.
Oh yeah, Graffanino. Maybe to San Diego with Wells halfway through spring training.
Posted by tendiamonds on 2006-01-24 16:57:06 +0000
Who do we get from the Pads? I used to want Dave Roberts back, but we plugged that hole...
Posted by buzzorhowl on 2006-01-24 17:05:57 +0000
Linebrink? Or (get this) maybe we trade and get Dougie back!
Posted by dawnbixtler on 2006-01-24 17:11:01 +0000
I love the Mirabelli back to Boston move, but for his own sake I want him to start for a season or two...
(The pickup I'm most excited about is Mark Loretta, the 2B we got for Mirabelli. You'll see.)
Schilling is healthy, Lowell's going to rebound......this is going to be a great season.
I'm happy to have him for (expected) $20M over the next 4 years as opposed to John Damon for $52. The third and fourth of those years, Coco will be more productive, if not sooner.
I was thinking about this whilst sitting in the car outside of South Acton Coffee and Ice Cream yesterday morning, (a plague upon the neighborgood, never go there) and the folks on WEEI were talking about how Crisp will be better in Fenway than he has been in Cleveland, partly because of he will hit mad doubles off the wall, but also because he'll have Loretta, Ortiz, Manny following him... This opened my eyes! At the end of last season people were talking about how Manny and Ortiz's numbers were partly so good because John was hitting ahead of them and getting on base etc, but they never mentioned that John was getting the good pitches and his numbers were getting a boost from the pitchers not wanting to pitch to them other guys.
Anyway, I think it's good news, we'll see. I'm not that excited about Gonzalez, but he is good. What's Graffanino going to do?
Oh yeah, Graffanino. Maybe to San Diego with Wells halfway through spring training.