Let the free tagging commence!
Ahh, I can now tag my posts. <a href="/forum">Forums</a> stay as is.
<a href="/comics">Comics</a> now work.
Next on the sysadmin agenda: layout fiddlin'. Also that news gateway is probably defunct (not that it was every _really_ funct).
It seems that DRUPAL can do so much - is there a faq on another website or another way I can keep up with the Lorbers/Joneses?
Users can create their own categories for content, rather than relying on a fixed hierarchy described by an administrator.
<a href="http://www.drupal.org">drupal.org</a>, the mother ship.
that which doesn't kill us makes things challenging... or something.
Too Red. Not enough contrast between content and backgroud. Back to basics for now.