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i ride sideways
Posted by G lib on 2006-01-26 12:01:25 +0000

The Fucking E, Part 1

I don't like to admit it, but my commute is an hour. This includes a 15 minute walk, a quick jump on the Blu, and then a long, slow slog on the Fucking E.

I don't hate my commute most of the time-- I can usually read the most important parts of the metro on the way to work (style, gossip, and entertainment), and finish the lame-ass crossword on the way back.

When I finish the Metro, I spend a lot of time thinking about the train. Here are a few random notes from today:

Things I hate about the E:
*It's the only train that comes from North Station to Government Center. In the morning, I usually watch a completely empty C, D, B, D, and C train before the completely over-packed E comes along that I have to squish myself onto.
*It's REALLY slow.

Things I love about the E:
*The "Dr. Ruth" driver. Swear to god, she sounds JUST like her. She makes everything sound like sexual advice, from something as innoccuous as "Change here for the Silver Line" to something as obviously suggestive as "You are now entering Longwood."

Posted by Null Protocol on 2006-01-26 13:17:06 +0000
fucking A.

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