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it devolves into boys talking about sports and hardcore
Posted by tgl on 2006-01-27 20:15:05 +0000

Craftsbury Public Library

Two rooms, freshly carpeted. Please remove your boots, if they're covered in snow. Everyone in socks. A fine collection of photocopied booklets from the Bread and Printing Press (concerning the Bread and Puppet Theatre, of course).

I was disappointed not to be able to track down a work of fiction that was based near Tunbridge, VT, the Vermont Humanities Council guide to local fiction not withstanding.

Best thing happening in Craftsbury on a Friday night. Well, this, and my 24oz. Miller High Life.

Off to the pasta feed!

Posted by buzzorhowl on 2006-01-28 05:46:40 +0000
You should look up Bill Lee while you're there. I can email his number, if you like.

Posted by G lib on 2006-01-30 15:08:24 +0000
How did you do?

Posted by tgl on 2006-01-30 15:14:59 +0000
<span class='sectiontitle'>2006 Race 25km M1 Men includes 8 skiers.</span></p><table cellpadding="4" cellspacing="1"><tr><td bgcolor="cccccc"><span class="boldtext-small"></span></td><td bgcolor="ffffff"><span class="boldtext-small">Dist</span></td><td bgcolor="cccccc"><span class="boldtext-small">m/f</span></td><td bgcolor="FFFFFF"><span class="boldtext-small">Age</span></td><td bgcolor="cccccc"><span class="boldtext-small">Name</span></td><td bgcolor="FFFFFF"><span class="boldtext-small">Town</span></td><td bgcolor="cccccc"><span class="boldtext-small">Bib</span></td><td bgcolor="FFFFFF"><span class="boldtext-small">Time</span></td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="cccccc"><span class="text-small">1</td><td bgcolor="ffffff"><span class="text-small"> 25km</td><td bgcolor="cccccc"><span class="text-small">m</td><td bgcolor="FFFFFF"><span class="text-small">M1</td><td bgcolor="cccccc"><span class="text-small">Christopher City</td><td bgcolor="FFFFFF"><span class="text-small">Belmont, MA</td><td bgcolor="cccccc"><span class="text-small">1</td><td bgcolor="FFFFFF"><span class="text-small">01:36:11</td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="cccccc"><span class="text-small">2</td><td bgcolor="ffffff"><span class="text-small"> 25km</td><td bgcolor="cccccc"><span class="text-small">m</td><td bgcolor="FFFFFF"><span class="text-small">M1</td><td bgcolor="cccccc"><span class="text-small">Ray Webster</td><td bgcolor="FFFFFF"><span class="text-small">Campton, NH</td><td bgcolor="cccccc"><span class="text-small">4</td><td bgcolor="FFFFFF"><span class="text-small">01:41:22</td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="cccccc"><span class="text-small">3</td><td bgcolor="ffffff"><span class="text-small"> 25km</td><td bgcolor="cccccc"><span class="text-small">m</td><td bgcolor="FFFFFF"><span class="text-small">M1</td><td bgcolor="cccccc"><span class="text-small">Erik Cole-Johnson</td><td bgcolor="FFFFFF"><span class="text-small">Newbury, NH</td><td bgcolor="cccccc"><span class="text-small">2</td><td bgcolor="FFFFFF"><span class="text-small">01:47:43</td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="cccccc"><span class="text-small">4</td><td bgcolor="ffffff"><span class="text-small"> 25km</td><td bgcolor="cccccc"><span class="text-small">m</td><td bgcolor="FFFFFF"><span class="text-small">M1</td><td bgcolor="cccccc"><span class="text-small">joshua carlson</td><td bgcolor="FFFFFF"><span class="text-small">wolcott, VT</td><td bgcolor="cccccc"><span class="text-small">402</td><td bgcolor="FFFFFF"><span class="text-small">01:50:56</td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="cccccc"><span class="text-small">5</td><td bgcolor="ffffff"><span class="text-small"> 25km</td><td bgcolor="cccccc"><span class="text-small">m</td><td bgcolor="FFFFFF"><span class="text-small">M1</td><td bgcolor="cccccc"><span class="text-small">Sheldon Miller</td><td bgcolor="FFFFFF"><span class="text-small">Craftsbury Common, VT</td><td bgcolor="cccccc"><span class="text-small">3</td><td bgcolor="FFFFFF"><span class="text-small">02:01:51</td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="cccccc"><span class="text-small">6</td><td bgcolor="ffffff"><span class="text-small"> 25km</td><td bgcolor="cccccc"><span class="text-small">m</td><td bgcolor="FFFFFF"><span class="text-small">M1</td><td bgcolor="cccccc"><span class="text-small">Terry Lorber</td><td bgcolor="FFFFFF"><span class="text-small">Lynn, MA</td><td bgcolor="cccccc"><span class="text-small">331</td><td bgcolor="FFFFFF"><span class="text-small">02:19:33</td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="cccccc"><span class="text-small">7</td><td bgcolor="ffffff"><span class="text-small"> 25km</td><td bgcolor="cccccc"><span class="text-small">m</td><td bgcolor="FFFFFF"><span class="text-small">M1</td><td bgcolor="cccccc"><span class="text-small">Seth Dunn</td><td bgcolor="FFFFFF"><span class="text-small">Saratoga Springs, NY</td><td bgcolor="cccccc"><span class="text-small">329</td><td bgcolor="FFFFFF"><span class="text-small">02:34:27</td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="cccccc"><span class="text-small">8</td><td bgcolor="ffffff"><span class="text-small"> 25km</td><td bgcolor="cccccc"><span class="text-small">m</td><td bgcolor="FFFFFF"><span class="text-small">M1</td><td bgcolor="cccccc"><span class="text-small">Marmaduke Kilpatrick</td><td bgcolor="FFFFFF"><span class="text-small">New York, NY</td><td bgcolor="cccccc"><span class="text-small">330</td><td bgcolor="FFFFFF"><span class="text-small">NA</td></tr></span></table>


I may have placed 6th of 7 for my gender/age bracket (and about 20 minutes of my personal goal), however, I was the first place competitor in the "ARRRRRRRR-gyle" division.
<img width=400 src="http://www.rideside.net:8080/~tgl/images/craftsbury2006.png">


Posted by buzzorhowl on 2006-01-30 15:17:35 +0000
I just wanna say 'Marmaduke Kilpatrick.'

Posted by Null Protocol on 2006-01-30 15:22:50 +0000
awesome. Great job TGL!

Posted by G lib on 2006-01-30 15:24:05 +0000
Good for you!!!

And your lady?

Posted by Null Protocol on 2006-01-30 15:25:40 +0000
how'd you make that cool table btw? Drupal faq you posted awhile ago?

Posted by tgl on 2006-01-30 16:10:23 +0000
Tables are not normally allowed unless you are the MBTC.

Posted by Null Protocol on 2006-01-30 16:11:26 +0000
well, if thoust have the power...

Posted by dawnbixtler on 2006-01-30 16:16:26 +0000
Kickin' and stickin' eh?
Did you have to classic?
How are the lats?

Posted by tgl on 2006-01-30 16:19:12 +0000
It was a classic event. I used Swix Green as a binder, a few layers of Violet Special (VR45) and then, after checking the kick near the start, two layers of Violet Extra (VR50).

Thighs, groin and lower back are all issues that the moment.

Posted by Honar the librarian on 2006-01-30 17:13:50 +0000
While where on the subject, one of the list servs was good for something other than making me feel a)superior and b)very productive:

To foreigners, a Yankee is any American. To Southerners, a Yankee is
anyone from the North. To Northerners, a Yankee is anyone from New
England. To New Englanders, a Yankee is anyone from Vermont. To
Vermonters, a Yankee is anyone who eats apple pie for breakfast.

Posted by dawnbixtler on 2006-01-30 17:17:11 +0000
To a Bostonian a Yankee is a money lovin' mo-fo.

Posted by Null Protocol on 2006-01-30 17:20:53 +0000
to me, a Yankee is Ted Nugent

<img src="http://lockgen.com/damnyankees/articles/kerrangpic1.jpg">

Posted by dawnbixtler on 2006-01-30 17:22:41 +0000
He's from Detroit. He's also very violent.

Posted by on 2006-01-30 17:32:27 +0000

I've been trying to get through the latest <i>Atlantic</i>. One of the columns in the yearly "State of the Union" section mentions the cultural differences between Vermont and New Hampshire as springing from the differences of Yankee and Scots-Irish cultures. Haven't dug into it past that.

What if you have cheddah on your apple pie for breakfast?

Posted by tendiamonds on 2006-01-30 17:46:35 +0000
Reminds me of the Southwest Corner Principle of New England, in which everyone who lives in New England thinks they are in the southwest corner of the true New England and everyone south and west of whom is in New York. Traveling south or west may be referred to as moving in a newyorkerly direction.

Posted by Honar the librarian on 2006-01-30 18:07:23 +0000
Oooohh-added motivation to get up earlier. (mr. snooze button has been interfering with my <i>Atlantic</i> reading time. damn you mr. snooze button. damn you mr. will power.)

Posted by tgl on 2006-01-30 19:18:04 +0000
Lara placed 3rd of 4 for her age/gender bracket. 3hr. 37min. Third or fourth (?) time ever on waxable skis.

Posted by tgl on 2006-02-01 01:46:29 +0000
Also in the <i>Atlantic</i>, tween fellatio!

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