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Posted by Miriam on 2006-03-14 21:38:47 +0000

Pull Up A Chair

So, I've been looking for dining room chairs since I bought a dining room table that seats 12 in September. On Friday afternoon I finally found six of them! I ended up getting them at the antique store (Estelle's on 8th Ave) that I bought the table and another chair. The original price asked was $370, then I asked if that was with the 15% discount I was quoted when I walked in. No, but they could give me 25% off, up to $300. Close enough. I put them on hold, brought my bro, sis-in-law, and their kids to check them out with me, and paid for them on Saturday! I feel like I got a good deal, when you consider they're mahogony and the comparison looks like <a href=http://www.furniturebydovetail.com/sig-item.asp?Category=Chairs&Style_Size=Small%20Empire%20Chair> this </a>!

Y'all are welcome for dinner anytime, now!

Posted by dawnbixtler on 2006-03-15 00:28:41 +0000
Mmm... mahogony. Strong, light, dark rich grain. I'm getting wood.

Posted by G lib on 2006-03-15 11:39:16 +0000
TMI, Dawn...

Posted by Miriam on 2006-03-15 13:15:11 +0000
Good thing you're working on your carpentry skills, then!

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