...quite drunk, just won a fair bit of cash on the horses, saw this on a newsletter email ( - worth subscribing - free) thought it was amusing
"big media is a bit like pre-invasion Iraq - famously dictatorial, sitting on a vast stockpile of desirable resources - making it the duty of all right-thinking web-users (or "second superpower", if you will) to liberate these resources purely by force of technological superiority, despite the lack of any clear plan for what the old regime ought to be replaced with."
thats all
St. Patricks and the Cheltenham Gold Cup
When are you coming to America? I need a few blocks of Kendal mint cake, and apparently it isn't available in the States.
Some dioceses will proactively grant dispensation for things like this. Probably O'Malley has already done this for all Boston-area folks. Some Catholics will even diocese-shop to get dispensations.
Dispensations are a bit like indulgences, which are even better: basically, you get forgiven for arbitrary (even future) sins in exchange for doing something the church wants you to do. This sometimes even takes the form of cash payments to the church.
Indulgences are awesome.
"My unborn fetus is gay; may I abort it?"
I have access to the franking machine at work, can snail mail you some no bother
normal, peppermint or chocolate covered?
If you were able to get me some, I'd be eternally grateful and would bring you as many cans of beans as you want on my next trip to the UK.
remind me though, i have a shocking memory