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Posted by Null Protocol on 2006-03-23 21:04:43 +0000

Sunday June 4th 2006

radiohead - Boston Bank of America Pavillion:

Below is the info I got from a ticket scalper mafia place that advertises in the northampton ma valley advocate paper

I think I will keep my extra $$$ to myself and order them legit, but Im glad the scalp dude could share some very very good news!

<i><b>It will be playing the Bank Of America Pavilion on 6/4. Tickets have not gone on sale yet and prices have not been set. Call us in about a week </i></b>

----- Original Message -----
To: sales@houseofticketsonline.com
Sent: Thursday, March 23, 2006 3:05 PM
Subject: Radiohead question

You listed Radiohead in Boston for June 04 2006 in the most recent ad in Valley Advocate - can you elaborate?

Price? Seats? Venue?


Posted by dawnbixtler on 2006-03-23 21:15:32 +0000
I have $45 earmarked for this...

Posted by Null Protocol on 2006-04-24 13:22:56 +0000
Also <a href="http://www.greenplastic.com/tourdates.php">Monday June 5th</a>...

Tix on sale Sat May 6th 10 am

no word on prices.

still not updated @ Ticketmaster ot band's website,

but this info at this point looks 2 legit 2 quit

Posted by Null Protocol on 2006-05-01 21:14:04 +0000

Here's the deal:

Tix go on sale through Radiohead’s website for Boston (Bank of America Pavillion on the Waterfront next to the Boston World Trade Center) dates Sun Jun 4th and Mon Jun 5th tomorrow @ Radiohead's website(no specified time - you didnt really think you were gonna do work did ya?)

The official announcement is here: <a href="http://www.waste.uk.com/Announcements/Display-Individual-Announcement/26.html">http://www.waste.uk.com/Announcements/Display-Individual-Announcement/26.html</a>

You can register for free for R’heads ticket/merchandising hub W.A.S.T.E. here: <a href="http://www.waste.uk.com/JoinWaste/JoinNow.html">http://www.waste.uk.com/JoinWaste/JoinNow.html</a>

When the tickets show up to order / buy as a W.a.s.t.e. member tomorrow, I m pretty sure they will be here: <a href="http://tickets.waste.uk.com/">http://tickets.waste.uk.com/</a>

If we are unfortunate in our endeavors, ticketbastard <a href="/www.ticketmaster.com">www.ticketmaster.com</a> will be selling to gen public Sat. May 6th @ 10am est.

Good Night and Good Luck


Posted by dawnbixtler on 2006-05-02 03:25:46 +0000
Still don't know when the tix go on sale thru w.a.s.t.e...

Posted by Null Protocol on 2006-05-02 09:23:35 +0000
already sold out - I tried 5 minutes ago @ 8:29 am EST a colleague had success @ 7:00 am EST, but I was in the car... alas... looks like Im waiting in line for Ticketbastard - I dont find the internet reliable when the event is as big as this...

Posted by Null Protocol on 2006-05-02 18:10:08 +0000
I forgot to say 'Fuck'

there - I feel better.

Posted by Null Protocol on 2006-05-03 09:57:04 +0000
went to <a href="http://www.ticketmaster.com">'that ticket site'</a> this am to survey prices - Boston is not listed, and they seem to be strategically not telling people how much the NYC Madison Sq Garden shows cost... Im sure Boston will be up sooner rather than later. A survey of some of the other venues show prices to be between high $30s to $40s with all the service mafia fees, I'm making a conservative guess of about $55 to $60 per ticket... ouch.

Posted by cdubrocker on 2006-05-03 10:44:24 +0000
Is anyone buying tickets together for this? After sacrificing $64.60 (original price $51 + mafia fees...but went for the snail mail tix fer free) for a Pearl Jam show, I'm going to have to think for the next couple of days about plunking it down again for a Radiohead show. But I'd probably be up for it.

Posted by Null Protocol on 2006-05-03 11:28:29 +0000
So here is a side question about all of this crap:

How/Why do people in the ticket industry find out about this in March and then keep it under wraps for so long? Because venues are small and they dont want big lines / volumes of people looking for tix? I cant figure it out...

Posted by Null Protocol on 2006-05-03 15:24:58 +0000
The price on the website before criminal fees is $41

Link <a href="http://www.ticketmaster.com/event/01003C6F2810C78B?artistid=763468&majorcatid=10001&minorcatid=60">here</a>

Posted by cdubrocker on 2006-05-03 15:50:59 +0000
Nice that they're keeping prices relatively low.

Posted by Null Protocol on 2006-05-03 16:02:23 +0000
compared to Rolling Stones, U2 et. al I would have to agree.

Posted by dawnbixtler on 2006-05-06 11:24:37 +0000
show appears to have sold out in 3 minutes...

Posted by MF DU on 2006-05-06 12:53:30 +0000

The limit was 2, I got them legit in person - and I was the last one in the line to get them - what is the Pavillion's capacity? 7K?

Posted by MF DU on 2006-06-05 04:49:09 +0000
Ill post a review after some sleep

track/setlist, to the best of my knowledge, is as follows

Minidisc 1

1. There There (The Boney King of Nowhere)
2. 2 +2 = 5 (The Lukewarm)
3. Exit Music (For a Film)
4. New Song #1
5. Thom Greets the Crowd / New Song #2 (On The Rose?)
6. Kid A
7. Dollars And Cents
8. National Anthem
9. Saying 'Let Me Hear you say Hello' to the Crowd / New Song #3 (Crowd Starts clapping before song is over)
10. New Song #4 - Thom on the Piano
11. Cadilliac VIP Lament / Paranoid Android
12. New Tune # 5 - Fast, Short Surf guitar rock instrumental
13. The Gloaming (Slowly Open Our Mouths In The Cold)
14. New Tune # 6
15. Idioteque

Minidisc 2

16. New Tune #7
17. How To Disappear Completely
18. Airbag
19. Street Spirit (Fade Out)
20. New Tune #8
21. Everything In Its Right Place
22. New Tune #9
23. My Iron Lung

(Unrecorded - Sorry)
24. Karma Police

Posted by mr. mister on 2006-06-05 19:45:04 +0000
I thought the show was outstanding. I was suprised by the setlist. They really are a no nonsense band. They picked the cool songs. Didn't dumb it down. They should be knighted.

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