we're all adults here.
trying a new thing tomorrow (saturday) night. informal dinnerish party i'll make the food (vegetarian and some vegan) and you bring your favorite booze. i'm allowing guests from 6 pm on, hoping to wrap it up around midnight or somebody. no overnight onstreet parking in watertown, so you might get a ticket if you're here after 1 am. 39 union st watertown. i am less than two blocks from watertown square, proper.
Boozin' at a museum like atmosphere. Plus it was nice talking to people who skate and love skateboard art. Also the phrase, "He's doing my mom's next tattoo," was said by someone with complete honesty.
Watertown in da house!
TheDuane, has anyone officially invited you to Q, our vegetarian dinner group on Wednesday nights? It's at Honar's house this week, [REDACTED], and in East Boston at our place the week after. You should come!
The food's usually pretty good, the company is always fantastic, and new blood's always welcome.